CBS invites international applicants to visit

For the first time CBS is hosting two information events specifically for international applicants considering a bachelor's or master's programme at CBS. The events will give the participants an insight into life at CBS and information about living and studying in Denmark.


Now help is at hand for foreigners wondering if CBS is the right place to study and what it's like to study in Copenhagen. CBS is now organising International Applicant Days for future bachelor and master students.

Anne Mette Hou, Head of Student Affairs, looks forward to providing applicants with information about the programmes and the CBS study environment.

- International applicants are in search of a lot of information about CBS and Denmark. Because they are such an important part of CBS, we are very pleased that we are now able to host an event specifically tailored to international applicants, where we can provide them with a special and targeted introduction to CBS and Copenhagen, says Anne Mette Hou.

Meet the students
At the events, hopeful students will get practical information about applying to CBS, entry requirements and selection criteria among other things. They will also have an opportunity to talk to current international students at CBS, who will both give presentations and host a social event in the evening.

- We know that to have a  good experience while you study you need a good start, and that requires a good social framework. And if we can support that even before students start at CBS, then we will have helped them on their way, says Anne Mette Hou.

Both events will be held the day after one of the Open House events, where anyone interested in studying at CBS can receive information about the programmes and the study environment. For applicants to a master's programme, the Open House event is on 19 February and International Applicant Day will take place on Friday 20 February. For applicants to a bachelor's programme, the Open House event is on 5 March and International Applicant Day will take place on Friday 6 March.

- As for all students, it is important to choose a study programme based on as much knowledge as possible about the programme and study environment, so that's what we will give them. And we hope that applicants will spend the weekend in Copenhagen and experience how lovely it is, no matter the weather, concludes Anne Mette Hou.

Read more and sign up for the event

For more info contact Communications Adviser at Office of External Affairs Sanni Brandt

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017