
Department of Strategy and Innovation

Van Praag
Part time employment at CBS

Mirjam van Praag

Prof. Dr. C.Mirjam van Praag is part time professor at Department of Strategy and Innovation.

Van Praag’s research, that is widely published in international academic journals, studies Economics of Entrepreneurship (e.g., Human Capital, Teams, Entrepreneurship and the Household) often using (field or natural) experiments. Besides entrepreneurship, she is also an active researcher in the field of Personnel Economics (performance measurement and rewards) and Behavorial Economics. Mirjam is a research fellow of the CEPR, IZA, Tinbergen Institute, ACE and ACLE as well as a member of Academia Europaea.

In the past, Mirjam was employed as a consultant with The Boston Consulting Group, as a financial analyst with Procter & Gamble and as a research consultant with GFK Intomart. She has served as a non-executive member on various boards, both in the public and the private sector. Mirjam was the founding director of the Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship. Mirjam van Praag is an econometrician (MSc and Phd UvA) and she has a daughter (Sarah, 1998) and a son (Boaz, 1999).

Primary research areas

Economics of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship and Human Capital

Entrepreneurship and Teams

Field Experiments in Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Education

Entrepreneurship and the Household

Performance measurement and rewards

Personnel Economics

Behavioral Economics

Curriculum Vitae
Social media
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Other teaching activities

Contributions (lectures) to conferences, workshops, seminars, summer schools:

Please refer to Van Praag's Curriculum Vitae

Selected publications

Most Recent Publications

  1. Czibor, E., Claussen, J., van Praag, M. (2018) Women in a Men’s World: Risk Taking in an Online Card Game Community, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, forthcoming
  2. Nagel, H., Huber, L., van Praag, M. (2018) The Effect of a Tax Training Program on Tax Compliance and Business Outcomes of Starting Entrepreneurs: Evidence from a Field Experiment, Journal of Business Venturing, forthcoming
  3. Sloof, R., van Praag, M., Koudstaal, M. (2018) Entrepreneurs: Intuitive or Contemplative Decision Makers?, Small Business Economics, forthcoming
  4. Rocha, V., van Praag, M., Folta, T.B., Carneiro, A. (2018) Endogeneity in Strategy-Performance Analysis: An Application to Initial Human Capital Strategy and New Venture Performance, Organizational Research Methods, forthcoming
  5. Block, J., C. Fisch, M. van Praag, M (2018), Quantity and Quality of Jobs by Entrepreneurial Firms, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 565–583
  6. Hoogendoorn, S., Parker, S.C. & van Praag, M. (2017) Smart or diverse start-up teams? Evidence from a field experiment, Organization Science, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 1010-1028
  7. Rosendahl Huber, L., Sloof, R. & van Praag, M. (2017) The Effect of Incentives on Sustainable Behavior: Evidence from a Field Experiment, Labour Economics, Vol. 45, pp. 92-106, April 2017
  8. Hsieh, C., Parker, S.C. & van Praag, C.M. (2017), Risk, Balanced Skills and Entrepreneurship  Small Business Economics, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 287-302
  9. Block, J., Fisch, C., van Praag, C.M. (2016), The Schumpeterian entrepreneur: A review of the empirical evidence on the antecedents, behavior, and consequences of innovative entrepreneurship, Industry & Innovation, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 61-95
  10. Koudstaal, M., Sloof, R. & van Praag, M. (2016), Risk, Uncertainty and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment Management Science,  Vol. 62, No. 10, pp. 2897-2915
  11. Berkhout, P., Hartog, J. & van Praag, C.M. (2016), Entrepreneurship and financial incentives of return, risk and skew. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 249-268
  12. Lindquist, M., Sol, J. & van Praag, C.M. (2015), Why do Entrepreneurial Parents have Entrepreneurial Children?  Journal of Labor Economics,  Vol. 33, No. 2, 4.2015, pp. 269-296
  13. Sloof, R. & van Praag, C.M. (2015), Testing for Distortions in Performance Measures: An Application to Residual Income Based Measures like EVA  Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 74-91
  14. Rosendahl Huber, L., Sloof, R. & van Praag, C.M. (2014), The Effect of Early Entrepreneurship Education: Evidence from a Field Experiment  The European Economic Review, Vol. 72, 11.2014, pp. 76-97
  15. Congregado, E., Millan, J., Román, C., van Praag. C.M. & van Stel, A. (2014), The value of an educated population for an individual’s entrepreneurship success  Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 29, No. 5, 9.2014, pp. 612-632
  16. Hoogendoorn, S.M., Oosterbeek, H. & van Praag, C.M. (2013), The Impact of Gender Diversity on the performance of business teams: Evidence from a field experiment  Management Science, Vol. 59 No. 7, July 2013, pp. 1514-1528


Publications List
Publications sorted by:
Theodor Vladasel; Simon C. Parker; Randolph Sloof; Mirjam Van Praag / Revenue Drift, Incentives, and Effort Allocation in Social Enterprises
In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 21.3.2024
Journal article > peer review
Theodor Lucian Vladasel; Simon C. Parker; Randolph Sloof; Mirjam Van Praag / Revenue Drift, Incentives, and Effort Allocation in Social Enterprises
Paper presented at DRUID23 Conference, 2023
Paper > peer review
Diego Zunino; Gary Dusnitsky; Mirjam Van Praag / How Do Investors Evaluate Past Entreneurial Failure? : Unpacking Failure Due to Lack og Skill Versus Bad Luck.
In: Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 65, No. 4, 8.2022, p. 1083-1109
Journal article > peer review
Theodor Vladasel; Simon C. Parker; Randolph Sloof; Mirjam Van Praag / Revenue Drift, Incentives, and Effort Allocation in Social Enterprises
Bonn : IZA 2022, 94 p. (IZA Discussion Paper, No. 15716)
Working paper
Mirjam Van Praag; Arvid Raknerud / The Returns to Entrepreneurship : Evidence from Matched Person-firm Data.
In: Workplace Productivity and Management Practices . ed. /Solomon W. Polachek; Konstantinos Tatsiramos; Giovanni Russo; Gijs van Houten. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2022, p. 207-238 (Research in Labor Economics, Vol. 49)
Book chapter > peer review
Johan Egebark; Mathias Ekström; Erik Plug; Mirjam Van Praag / Brains or Beauty? : Causal Evidence on the Returns to Education and Attractiveness in the Online Dating Market.
In: Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 196, 4.2021
Journal article > peer review
Theodor Vladasel; Matthew J. Lindquist; Joeri Sol; Mirjam Van Praag / On the Origins of Entrepreneurship : Evidence from Sibling Correlations.
In: Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 36, No. 5, 9.2021
Journal article > peer review
Laura Rosendahl Huber; Randolph Sloof; Mirjam Van Praag; Simon C. Parker / Diverse Cognitive Skills and Team Performance : A Field Experiment based on an Entrepreneurship Education Program.
In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 177, 9.2020, p. 569-588
Journal article > peer review
Eszter Czibor; Sander Onderstal; Randolph Sloof; Mirjam Van Praag / Does Relative Grading Help Male Students? : Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Classroom.
In: Economics of Education Review, Vol. 75, 4.2020
Journal article > peer review
Vera Rocha; Mirjam Van Praag / Mind the Gap : The Role of Gender in Entrepreneurial Career Choice and Social Influence by Founders.
In: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 41, No. 5, 5.2020, p. 841-866
Journal article > peer review
More results... (total 57 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities

Primary occupation at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands.