Department of Management, Society and Communication
- Centre for Sustainability
I study how organizations make sense of themselves and their surroundings through communicative practices. Theoretically, I draw on sociology, semiotics, history, organization, economy, and the philosophy of language to understand current social ideals and phenomena and their organizational manifestations.
Introducing Lars Thøger Christensen:
- Dialogue
- Participation
- Voice
- Polyphony
- Hypocrisy
- Talk-action dynamics
- Identity
- Autocommunication
- Transparency.
- Organizational Communication (Bachelor level)
- Strategy and Communication (Master level)
- Perspectives on Communication, Organization, and Culture (Ph.D)
- Strategic Communication (Executive, Master of Business Development)
I supervise theses and papers at all academic levels.
Christensen, L.T., Morsing, M., & Thyssen, O. (2020). Talk-Action Dynamics. Modalities of Aspirational Talk. Organization Studies
Christensen, L.T., Kärreman, D. & Rasche, A. (2019). Bullshit and Organization Studies. Organization Studies
Christensen, L.T., Morsing, M., & Thyssen, O. (2017). License to Critique: A Communication Perspective on Sustainability Standards. Business Ethics Quarterly, 27(2): 239-262.
Christensen, L.T. & G. Cheney (2015). Peering into transparency: Challenging ideals, proxies and organizational practices. Communication Theory, 25: 70-90.
Christensen, L.T., Morsing, M. & Thyssen, O. (2013). CSR as Aspirational Talk. Organization 20 (3), 372-393.
In: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 23.7.2024
In: Human Relations, Vol. 77, No. 4, 4.2024, p. 484-504
In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Communication. ed. /Klement Podnar. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, p. 189–194 (Elgar Encyclopedias in Business and Management series)
In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Communication. ed. /Klement Podnar. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, p. 189-194
Paper presented at The 6th International CSR Communication Conference, 2022
In: CSR Communication Conference 2022 : Conference Proceedings. . ed. /Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich; Dennis Schöneborn; Matthias Wenzel; Ursa Golob; Klement Podnar. Ljubljana : Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Ljubljana 2022, 4 p., p. 7-10
Paper presented at The 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference. ICA 2022, 2022
Paper presented at 38th EGOS Colloquium 2022, 2022
Paper presented at The 7th Global Conference on Transparency Research 2022. GCTR 2022, 2022
In: Organization Theory, Vol. 3, No. 2, 4.2022
In: The Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organization . ed. /Joëlle Basque; Nicolas Bencherki; Timothy Kuhn. New York : Routledge 2022, p. 354-367 (Routledge Studies in Communication, Organization and Organizing)
In: Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 3, 8.2022, p. 496-519
In: Research Handbook on Strategic Communication. ed. /Jesper Falkheimer; Mats Heide. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2022, p. 33-45
In: Organization Studies, Vol. 42, No. 3, 3.2021, p. 407-427
Paper presented at 36th EGOS Colloquium 2020, 2020
In: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 114, 6.2020, p. 327-335
In: Organization Studies, Vol. 40, No. 10, 2019, p. 1587-1600
In: Corporate Communications, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2018, p. 438-455
Paper presented at Paper Development Workshop, 2018
Paper presented at International Public Relations Research Symposium (BledCom), 2017
In: Mediapolis, Vol. 4, 2017, p. 39-69
In: Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 27, No. 2, 4.2017, p. 239-262
In: International Journal of Strategic Communication, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2017, p. 180-183
In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. ed. /Craig E. Carroll. Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE Publications 2016, p. 55-58
In: Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016, p. 121–142
In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. ed. /Craig E. Carroll. Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE Publications 2016, p. 818-821
Paper presented at The 32nd EGOS Colloquium 2016, 2016
In: The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication. ed. /Wolfgang Donsbach. Chichester : Wiley 2015, p. 118-119
In: Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2015, p. 135-144
In: European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2015, p. 117-131
In: European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2015, p. 132-149
In: Communication Theory, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2015, p. 70-90
London : SAGE Publications 2015, 110 p. (European Journal of Social Theory, No. 2, Vol. 18)
In: E S S A C H E S S - Journal for Communication Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2015, p. 9-25
In: Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2015, p. 385-410
In: The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Communication: Advances in Theory, Research, and Methods. . ed. /Linda L. Putnam ; Dennis K. Mumby. Los Angeles : SAGE Publications 2014, p. 695-716
Paper presented at Society of Business Ethics Annual Meeting 2014, 2014
Paper presented at ECREA 2014, 2014
Paper presented at The 30th EGOS Colloquium 2014, 2014
In: Organisationskommunikation und Public Relations: Forschungsparadigmen und neue Perspektiven. . ed. /Ansgar Zerfaß; Lars Rademacher; Stefan Wehmeier. Wiesbaden : Springer 2013, p. 43-72
In: Organization, Vol. 20, No. 3, 5.2013, p. 372-393
Paper presented at The 3rd Global Conference on Transparency Research, 2013
Paper presented at The 63rd Annual International Communication Association Conference. ICA 2013 , 2013
Paper presented at The 2nd International CSR Communication Conference 2013, 2013
In: Organization, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2013, p. 327-329
In: European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 46, No. 7/8, 2012, p. 1093-1102
In: Management Communication Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2011, p. 383-414
Paper presented at The 1st Global Conference on Transparency Research, 2011
Paper presented at The 1st Global Conference on Transparency Research, 2011
In: Handbook of communication and corporate social responsibility. ed. /Øyvind Ihlen; Steve May; Jennifer Bartlett. Malden, MA : Wiley 2011, p. 491-504
In: The Handbook of Communication Ethics. ed. /George Cheney; Steve May; Debashish Munshi. New York : Routledge 2011, p. 457-474
2.ed.Chicago : Waveland Press 2010, 515 p.
In: Corporate Communications. An International Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1.1.2009, p. 207-219
In: Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Business in Society (APABIS), Brisbane, Australia, November 6-8 : Griffith University 2009
2.ed.Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2008, 172 p.
London : SAGE Publications 2008, 251 p.
In: The Blackwell International Encyclopaedia of Communication. ed. /Wolfgang Donsbach. Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishing 2008, p. 1014-1019
In: Integreret markedskommunikation. ed. /Kristian Eiberg; Erich Karsholt; Simon Torp. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2008, p. 29-40
In: Organization Studies, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2008, p. 7-22
In: European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 42, No. 3/4, 2008, p. 423 - 452
In: MedieKultur, Vol. 42-43, 1.5.2007, p. 101-115
In: Human Relations, Vol. 60, No. 4, 2007, 9 p., p. 653-661
In: Organization, Vol. 14, 2007, p. 952-955
In: The Debate over Corporate Social Responsibility. ed. /Steve May; George Cheney; Juliet Roper. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2007, p. 448-458
In: Journal of Communication Management, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006, p. 100-102
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2005, 155 p.
In: Corporate Communications. An International Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1.5.2005, p. 156-167
In: Marketing Communication: New Approaches, Technologies and Styles. . ed. /Allan J. Kimmel. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2005, p. 215-235
In: Handbook of Organizational Discourse. ed. /D. Grant; C. Hardy; C. Oswick; N. Philips; L. Putnam. London : SAGE Publications 2004, p. 79-103
In: MedieKultur, No. 37, 2004, p. 14-23
1.ed.Chicago : Waveland Press, Inc 2004, 490 p.
In: Organizational Identity: A Reader. . ed. /Mary Jo Hatch; Majken Schultz. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2004, p. 510-557
In: Miljoesk, Vol. 34, 1.1.2004, p. 16-19
2. udg.ed.København : Akademisk Forlag 2003
In: Når virksomheden åbner sit vindue. Kommunikation og formidling - et corporate perspektiv. ed. /Bodil, red. Kragh; Jørn, red. Helder. København : Samfundslitteratur 2003, p. 87-100
In: Corporate Communications. An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2002, p. 162-168
In: European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 35, No. 3-4, 2001, p. 292-315
In: Advertising research in the Nordic countries. ed. /Flemming Hansen; Lotte Yssing Hansen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2001, p. 351-356
In: The New Handbook of Organizational Communication: Advances in Theory, Research, and Methods. . ed. /Fredric M. Jablin; Linda L. Putnam. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications 2001, p. 231-269
In: Handbook of Public Relations. ed. /Robert L. Heath. Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications 2001, p. 167-182
1.ed.Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2001, 91 p.
Odense 2000, 46 p.
Odense 2000, 98 p.
Paper presented at Forum of Advertisng Research's seminar "Advertising Research in the Nordic Countries, 2000
In: Consumption, Markets & Culture, 2000, p. 1-21
In: The Epressive Organization: Linking Identity, Reputation, and the Corporate Brand. . ed. /Majken Schultz; Mary Jo Hatch; Mogens Holten Larsen. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2000, p. 246-270
San Francisco : Berrett-Koehler-Publishers 1999, 64 p.
In: Cadeau, No. 1, 1999, p. 20-23
In: Proceedings of the Third International Research Seminar on Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior. ed. /Yves Evrard; Wayne D. Hoyer; Alain Strazzieri. : Institut d'Administration des Entreprises d'Aix-en-Provence 1999, p. pp. 118-134
In: Consumption, Markets & Culture, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1997, p. 197-227
In: Organization Studies, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1996, p. 651-672
In: Miljøledelse: Tanker, erfaringer og visioner. . ed. /John Parm Ulhøi; Henning Madsen. København : Dagbladet Boersen A/S 1996, p. 151-167
In: Industry and the Environment. Practical Applications of Environmental Management Approaches in Business: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Nordic Business Environmental Management Network. . ed. /John P. Ulhøj; Henning Madsen. Aarhus : Aarhus School of Business 1996
In: Ledelse i Dag, No. 20, 1995, p. 32-42
In: Communication Yearbook 17. ed. /Stanley A. Deetz. Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications 1994, p. 222-235 (Communication Yearbook, No. 17)
In: Virksomhedens miljøhåndbog. ed. /John Parm Ulhøj. : Dagbladet Boersen A/S 1994, p. 1-10 (Børsen Ledelseshåndbøger, No. 5)
In: Proceedings from the 19th Annual Macromarketing Conference[S.l.]1994
In: Kontakten, 1994, p. 32-37
In: Proceedings of the 18th Macromarketing Conference. ed. /A. Fuat Firat; Annama Joy. Kingston, RI : The Macromarketing Society 1993
Frederiksberg : The Business of Society 17.4.2019
Frederiksberg : The Business of Society 7.11.2019
In: Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategy, Communication, Governance. . ed. /Andreas Rasche; Mette Morsing; Jeremy Moon. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2017, p. 350-370
In: Håndbog i strategisk public relations. ed. /Henrik Merkelsen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2010, p. 47-66
In: Casesamling til strategisk public relations. ed. /Henrik Merkelsen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2010, p. 17-19
In: Håndbog i Strategisk Public Relations. ed. /Henrik Merkelsen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2010, p. 17-46
In: Strategisk Public Relations: En håndbog. . ed. /Henrik Merkelsen. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2009, p. 47-66
In: Danfoss ArtAward - Visualize Our ValuesNordborg : Danfoss 2008, p. 12-13
In: Market, Vol. 17, 2007, p. 30-34
In: Market, Vol. 2, 1.6.2005, p. 14-17
In: Ledelse i Dag, Vol. 63, No. 54-57, 2005
In: Civiløkonomen, Vol. 52, No. 6/7, 1.6.2005, p. 23-26
In: Brand Base. Nyhedsbrev, Vol. 9, 2004, p. 8-9
In: Brand Base. Nyhedsbrev, Vol. 6, 2004, p. 4-5
In: Kommunikatøren, 1.6.2003, p. 10-11
In: Ledetråd, No. 3, 2001, p. 18-19
In: Retorik Magasinet (Aastorp, 1991), Vol. 8, No. 30, 1998, p. 22-27
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Professor: Hurra for hykleriet
Name of contractual partner |
Duration of activity |
Type of activity |
Sveriges Kommunikatörer |
May 2019 |
Lecture |
In addition to my scholarly activities and credentials, I have more than 20 years of experience in providing lectures, courses, counseling and consultancy to private and public sector organizations within the areas of organizational and strategic communication.