
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Governance, Culture & Learning Unit
Niels Thyge
Associate professor

Room: POR/18.B-4.134

I am working with the development of public management and with emphasis on the strategic skills and tasks that should meet small and large scale challenges in the public sector. With respect to the CBS claim of ‘transforming society’, this ambition permeates my teaching, dissemination, research and networking. My focus is on analyzing these challenges, for instance public interdisciplinary challenges, and to draw out its implications. My focus is also on developing concepts by which these challenges can be approached and produce public value. My research has largely been on trustbased management and management steering technologies. Now focus has turned toward public value and how different relational-, and socio-economies are means to understand the new types of public value emerging in the public sector as well as ways to create and manage public value. The deep theoretical basis of my work is: systems theory in order to understand organizations as meaning creating systems; discourse theory in order to understand the genealogy of public value, the social contracts, public reforms, state changes; and socio-economy theory in order to understand and develop public value. Out of sheer fascination, I am also dealing with the temporality and speed of organizations, using the temporal concept offered by systems theory.

Primary research areas
  • Public management
  • Public value
  • Complex problems
  • Temporality and speed
  • Socio economy
  • Systems theory
  • Discourse theory


Administrative tasks

Education Manager for the Djøf-CBS Chief Consultant Program (Master-level)

Link to this homepage
  • Course coordinator: ’Strategy and Management’, Master of Public Governance (MPG). 
  • Course coordinator: 'Introduction Programme', MUF, Master of Public Governance (MPG)
  • Transformationens Politik (cand.merc.kom)
  • Communicative Dilemmas and Public Affairs (cand.merc.kom)


  • PhD
  • Master
  • Project
Other teaching activities
  • MPG Alumni Coordinator (Life Long Learning)
  • CBS Executive: Summer School on Strategy (week 34)
  • Strategic Management (Djøf-CBS Chief Consultant Program)
Selected publications

Thygesen, N. (2024): Integreret kollaborativ værdi, Politica (review)

Thygesen, N. (2024): The integrated value of the collaborative turn – contributing the concept of the gift economy, Public Management review (invited for resubmission)


Publications sorted by:
Niels Thyge Thygesen / At være leder i den fordoblede velfærdsøkonomi
In: Transformationens politik: Ledelse af tidens udfordringer. . ed. /Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen; Dorthe Pedersen; Erik Mygind du Plessis; Jette Sandager. København : Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne 2023, p. 235-250
Book chapter > peer review
Niels Thyge Thygesen / Hvordan kollaborativ ledelse kan ruste os til fremtiden
In: Lederskabelse: Det personlige lederskab. . ed. /Poula Helth. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2023, p. 99-114
Book chapter
Niels Thyge Thygesen / Moving Ahead : How Time Is Compressed and Stretched in Strategy Work.
In: Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 35, No. 6, 2022, p. 916-935
Journal article > peer review
Niels Thyge Thygesen / Gaveøkonomi : En vej til ny velfærdsværdi.
In: Samfundslederskab i Skandinavien, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2021, p. 26-51
Journal article > peer review
Niels Thygesen / Gaveøkonomi - en vej til velfærd
In: Public Governance Research, Vol. 7, 8.2021
Journal article > peer review
Niels Thyge Thygesen; Steffen Løfvall / Gaveøkonomi : Ny vej til bedre velfærd.
København : Gyldendal 2020, 304 p.
Book > peer review
Niels Thyge Thygesen / Gaveøkonomien : En ny ledelsesvej til grøn omstilling.
In: Statslig topledelse anno 2020: Rammevilkår, udfordringer og kompetencebehov. 10 perspektiver fra danske forskere. København : Medarbejder- og Kompetencestyrelsen 2020, p. 126-149
Report chapter
Niels Thyge Thygesen; Tine Hansen / Fra strategiske løsninger til innovative strategier
In: Ledelse og læring i praksis. ed. /Poula Helth. Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2019, p. 137-156
Book chapter
Niels Thygesen / The Gift Economy and the Development of Sustainability
In: Local Economy, Vol. 34, No. 6, 9.2019, p. 493-509
Journal article > peer review
More results... (total 58 results)
Academic Interests
  • DFF grant financing 3,5 months research stay at Harvard University supporting current research theme and networking
  • Research stay, Harvard Business School, September-December 2022
  • Reviewer, Scandinavian Journal of Management
Outside activities
Activity Client Period
Organizing and participating in MPG events at Folkemødet, Allinge   2019
Presentation of own research in welfare management Mobilize One-off event, 2 hours
Presenting own research in trust management Væksthus for ledelse 23-25 August 2021
Parttaker in panel debate Folkemødet, Bornholm 15 June 2021
Presenting own research in welfare management Network group F5 12 May 2021
Virtual mini-masterclass on collaborative economy held on management days for area managers in the municipality of Aalborg Municipality of Aalborg 2022
Presentation and Seminar: Strategic Management and Process Rector's Office, Copenhagen University 25 August 2022
Presentations on "The Public Value of the Gift" Harvard University September 2022
Presentation: Danish Lifescience Cluster on collaborative value Erhvervsfyrtårn 2023
Presentation: Civil Society, Public Management, an the Experimental Welfare State Top Talent Fellow Shirt under the Israeli Prime Minister Office at CBS 2023
Presentation on collaborative value Promentum 2023
Presentation Medarbejder- og kompetencestyrelsen: chefudviklingsprogram 2023
Book Presentation MPG, CBS: Chap. 15: At være leder i den fordoblede velfærdsøkonomi, Transformationens Politik, 2023. August 2023