
Department of Management, Society and Communication

  • Centre for Sustainability
Associate professor
PhD, Academic Co-Director of the Centre for Sustainability at CBS

Room: DH.Ø.2.47
, Mobile:
+45 60372919
Steen Vallentin

My research is centered on CSR (corporate social responsibility) and sustainable development in a broad sense. I have a particular and critical interest in the political-ideological underpinnings of CSR as theory and practice - along with the roles that governments take in promoting and enabling CSR.

Within the broader realm of sustainable development, my focus is on social relations and dynamics and how they partake in making or breaking sustainable solutions. We may, for instance, speak of the ‘social constitution of the circular economy’. This is not to belittle the technical and environmental sciences, but to call for a strengthened understanding of the socio-political context of technical solutions and environmental indicators – along with a better understanding of the social drivers of and barriers to sustainable development. To understand the workings of ‘the social’ is to understand how technology intersects with culture and how regulation intersects with markets.

In relation to the public sector, I do research on trust-based leadership. Here, the focus is on the relational value of trust and social capital as counterpoints to the economic instrumentalism of New Public Management.

Primary research areas
  • Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development
  • Politics and ideology of responsibility
  • Governmentality and governance of responsibility
  • Circular economy
  • Industrial symbiosis
  • CSR and corporate tax avoidance
  • Trust-based leadership and social capital
Administrative tasks

Academic co-director of the Centre for Sustainability at CBS

Co-manager of the CBS Circularity initiative

Member of the study board of Cand.(soc.)

Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage

CSR – Managing the social impact of business, Cand.merc.-elective.


Selected publications

Moon; J. & Vallentin; S. (2020). Tax Avoidance and Corporate Irresponsibility – CSR as Problem or Solution? In: Feldthusen, R.K., Hilling, A., Kukkonen, M. & Elgaard, K.K.E. (Eds.): Fair Taxation and Corporate Social Responsibility. Ex Tuto Publishing (forthcoming).

Vallentin, S. & Murillo, D. (2019). CSR and the Neoliberal Imagination. In: A. Sales (Ed.). Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Change. Institutional and Organizational Perspectives (pp. 43-59). Springer Verlag.

Vallentin, S. & Thygesen, N. (2017): Trust and Control in Public Sector Reform: Complementary and Beyond. Journal of Trust Research, 7(2), 150-169.

Vallentin, S. (2015): Instrumental and Political Currents in the CSR Debate: On the Demise and (Possible) Resurgence of ‘ethics’. In: Pullen, A. and Rhodes, C. (eds.): The Routledge Companion to Ethics, Politics and Organizations (pp. 13-31). London: Routledge.

Vallentin, S. (2015): Governmentalities of CSR: Danish Government Policy as a Reflection of Political Difference. Journal of Business Ethics, 27, 33-47.

Vallentin, S. and Murillo, D. (2012). Governmentality and the politics of CSR. Organization, 19(6), 825-843.

Publications sorted by:



In the media

Steen Vallentin / Tillidens muligheder i velfærdsledelse : Fra hierarki og marked til moral og sociale relationer.
In: Politica, Vol. 57, No. 1, 2025, p. 1-26
Journal article > peer review
Steen Vallentin; Claus Barrett Christiansen / Bæredygtig kommunikation i spændingsfeltet mellem aspirational talk og greenwashing
In: Lederliv, Vol. 7, No. Efterår, 23.10.2024
Journal article > peer review
Steen Vallentin; Pernille Steen Pedersen; Torben Klitmøller Hollmann / ”Arbejdsfamilien” som arbejdsfællesskab : En teoretisk og empirisk analyse af postheroisk ledelse .
In: Samfundslederskab i Skandinavien, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2023, p. 4-26
Journal article > peer review
Steen Vallentin; David Murillo / Ideologies of Corporate Responsibility : From Neoliberalism to “Varieties of Liberalism”.
In: Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 32, No. 4, 10.2022, p. 635-670
Journal article > peer review
Stefania Testa; Kristian Roed Nielsen; Steen Vallentin; Federica Ciccullo / Sustainability-oriented Innovation in the Agri-food System : Current Issues and the Road Ahead.
In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 179, 6.2022
Journal article > peer review
Steen Vallentin / Trust, Power and Public Sector Leadership : A Relational Approach.
New York, NY : Routledge 2022, 146 p. (Routledge Studies in Trust Research)
Book > peer review
Jeremy Moon; Steen Vallentin / Tax Avoidance and Corporate Irresponsibility : CSR as Problem or Solution.
In: FIRE Journal: UCPH Fiscal Relations Law Journal, No. 2, 2020
Journal article > peer review
Laura J. Spence; Steen Vallentin / Becoming Responsible : Understanding the Organizational Power Dynamics of CSR and Corporate Ethics.
In: Ethical Business Leadership in Troubling Times. ed. /Joanne B. Ciulla; Tobey K. Scharding. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2019, p. 60-87 (Studies in TransAtlantic Business Ethics series)
Book chapter > peer review
Steen Vallentin; David Murillo / CSR and the Neoliberal Imagination
In: Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Change: Institutional and Organizational Perspectives. . ed. /Arnaud Sales. Cham : Springer 2019, p. 43-59 (Ethical Economy, Vol. 57)
Book chapter > peer review
Jeremy Moon; Steen Vallentin / Tax Avoidance and Corporate Irresponsibility : CSR as Problem or Solution?.
In: Fair Taxation and Corporate Social Responsibility. ed. /Karina Kim Egholm Elgaard; Rasmus Kristian Feldthusen; Axel Hilling; Matti Kukkonen. København : Ex Tuto Publishing 2019, p. 19-51
Book chapter > peer review
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Outside activities

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contractual partner

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Type of activity

CBS Executive


Presentation for Viking (company) on corporate social responsibility

Forsvarets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse


Presentation on trust-based leadership

Ingeniørforeningen, IDA


Panel debate at Folkemødet

Danwatch 2007 - current Board member
Basen 2020 - current Board member