CBS PhD School

The CBS PhD school offer a broad selection of research fields.

The objective of the CBS PhD school is to create an active national and international high quality research environment as a framework for the development of all PhD students as researchers at CBS. This framework should help CBS PhD students to create new knowledge in their respective field of research and to succeed after graduation either in a professional academic research career or in a professional career outside of academia, meaning in private firms or public institutions, where their sophisticated research skills are in high demand.

To achieve this objective, CBS PhD school places large emphasis on

  • ensuring an adequate and relevant choice of state-of-the-art PhD courses in all research fields represented and research methods  applied at CBS,
  • ensuring a high academic level of the PhD programmes through continuous quality assurance and development of existing PhD courses,
  • supporting the development of new courses,
  • developing and assuring the quality of PhD supervision,
  • supporting the enrolled PhD students in presenting their projects at international conferences, in publishing their research and in their studies abroad,
  • attracting leading international researchers  to the activities of the PhD school, as teachers in PhD courses, as discussants in work-in-progress seminars, as supervisors and as members in PhD thesis assessment committees,
  • establishing institutionalized cooperative agreements with international researchers and research environments,
  • and establishing and maintaining a forum for the development of ideas and best practices for the supportive PhD activities in the different departments of CBS.

The CBS PhD school is linked with all active academic research environments at CBS.

PhD Support for departments

Head of PhD Support:
Lone Petersen

PhD Support contact for the departments:

PhD Support


PhD Adviser for:

Course Coordinator for:

Anja Knudsen

+45 3815 2625  BHL -

Bente Ramovic

+45 3815 3138 MSC, MARKTG and FI MARKTG and FI

Blazenka B. Kvistbo

+45 3815 2496 ACC, DIGI, EGB and OM Professional Development and PhD School courses

Katja Høeg Tingleff

+45 3815 2839 IOA and ECON -

Nina Iversen

+45 3815 2475


Dean's Office, Research
PhD Support
Porcelænshaven 18A
DK-2000 Frederiksberg


The page was last edited by: PhD Support // 09/19/2024