
Department of Economics

Associate professor

Room: POR/16.A-1.89
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Birthe Larsen

Birthe Larsen holds a master of economics from London School of Economics and did her PhD. at the University of Copenhagen. She has spent longer research periods at IIES, Stockholm, Melbourne University, Australia and Insead in France. Her main research focuses on unemployment in search and matching models, including projects concerning the informal sector, education, discrimination and minimum wages. Recent research projects include also trade issues and empirical work.   

Primary research areas
  • Search and matching models
  • Labour-macro economics
  • Unemployment
Curriculum Vitae
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  • Full-Time MBA macroeconomics, Macroeconomics for International Business and International Business and Politics students, Macroeconomics I and II for students of Mathematical Economics,  Personnel Economics.
Selected publications
  • Bennedsen, Morten, Birthe Larsen, Ian Schmutte, and Daniela Scur, 2020. ‘Preserving job matches during the COVID-19 pandemic: Firm-level evidence on the role of government aid’ Covid Economics, issue 27.
  • Amore, Mario D., Morten Bennedsen, Birthe Larsen & Philip Rosenbaum, 2019. CEO Education and Corporate Environmental Footprint. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management94, 254-273. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeem.2019.02.001
  • Kolm, Ann-Sofie & Birthe Larsen, 2019. ‘Underground activities and Labour Market Performance’, International Tax and Public Finance, 41-70, February.
  • Ann-Sofie Kolm and Birthe Larsen, 2016, ‘Informal Unemployment and Education’.  IZA Journal of Labour Economics, 5:8.
  • Gisela Waisman and Birthe Larsen, 2016, ‘Income, Amenities and Negative Attitudes’. IZA Journal of Migration, 2016 5:8.
  • Birthe Larsen and Gisela Waisman, 2016, ‘Labour Market Performance Effects of Discrimination and Loss of Skill.’ Economic Inquiry, Vol 54, No 3, p. 1574-1595.
  • Filges, Trine, John Kennes, Birthe Larsen and Torben Tranæs 2011 ‘Labour Market Programmes and the Equity-Efficiency Trade-off‘. Journal of Macroeconomics, 33, p.738-753.
  • Waisman, Gisela and Birthe Larsen 2009, ’Hvordan indvandreres mobilitet påvirkes af negative holdninger’, in Svend E. Hougaard Jensen (ed) ’Design og Styring af Institutioner’, DJØF forlag.
  • Alstadsæter, Annette, Ann-Sofe Kolm and Birthe Larsen 2008, ’Tax Effects on Unemployment and the Choice of Educational Type’. European Journal of Political Economy, 24 (1), p.107-122.
  • Trine Filges and Birthe Larsen, 2005, 'Stick, Carrot and Skill Acquisition'. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 107, 3, pp 495-520.
  • Birthe Larsen 2001, Minimum Wages, 'Technological Progress and Loss of Skill', European Economic Review, vol 45, pp. 1521-1544.
Publications sorted by:
Konrad Juel Thide; Felix Johannes Pettersson Bøgh; Birthe Larsen / Gender and Socioeconomic Dimensions of Relative Age Effects on ADHD Prescriptions : Evidence from Denmark.
In: Economics Letters, Vol. 244, 2024, 4 p.
Letter > peer review
Birthe Larsen / Ulighed
Aarhus : Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus Universitet 2024 (Magtudredningen 2.0: Essay-serien, Vol. Tema 6)
Net publication - Internet publication
Lars Barfoed; Peder Andersen; Poul Degnbol; Grete Elisabeth Dinesen; Peter Grønkjær; Troels Hegland; Simon Jul; Niels Buus Kristensen; Birthe Larsen; Liselotte Hohwy Stokholm / Fremtidens fiskeri : Rapport fra Fiskerikommissionen, december 2023.
København : Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2023, 331 p.
Morten Bennedsen; Birthe Larsen; Jiayi Wei / Gender Wage Transparency and the Gender Pay Gap : A Survey.
In: Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol. 37, No. 5, 12.2023, p. 1743-1777
Journal article > peer review
Birthe Larsen / Hvorfor stiger uligheden - og hvad gør vi ved det?
København : Informations Forlag 2023, 79 p. (Moderne ideer, No. 26)
Emilie Agner Damm; Mette Ejrnæs; Birthe Larsen / Redaktionelt forord
In: Samfundsøkonomen, No. 2, 2023, 3 p., p. 2-4
Matilda Kilström; Birthe Larsen; Elisabet Olme / Temporary Refugee Protection and Labor-market Outcomes
In: Empirical Economics, Vol. 65, No. 4, 10.2023, p. 1895-1929
Journal article > peer review
Morten Bennedsen; Birthe Larsen; Ian Schmutte; Daniela Scur / The Effect of Preserving Job Matches During a Crisis
In: Labour Economics, Vol. 84, 10.2023
Journal article > peer review
Antoine Bertheau; Birthe Larsen; Zeyu Zhao / What Makes Hiring Difficult? : Evidence from Linked Survey-administrative Data.
Bergen : Norwegian School of Economics 2023, 68 p. (Discussion Paper / Department of Economics. Norwegian School of Economics, No. 20/2023) (IZA Discussion Paper, No. 16268)
Working paper
Antoine Bertheau; Marianna Kudlyak; Birthe Larsen; Morten Bennedsen / Why Firms Lay Off Workers instead of Cutting Wages : Evidence from Matched Survey-Administrative Data.
Paper presented at Labor Studies Program Meeting, Spring 2023, 2023
More results... (total 72 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities
  1. Beskæftigelsesministeriets prisbedømmelsesudvalg
  2. Kommissorium for arbejdsgruppe vedr. kompensation for indgreb som følge af epidemiloven

  1. Nationalbank Research Advisory Council
  2. Opinion pieces in Information and Børsen