Department of Business Humanities and Law
- CBS Law

Kathrine Søs Jacobsen Cesko holds an Assistant Professorship in Competition Law and Public Procurement Law.
In 2022, Kathrine Søs Jacobsen Cesko was awarded her PhD degree. Her PhD thesis titled ‘Collaboration between Economic Operators in the Competition for Public Contracts: A Legal and Economic Analysis of Grey Zones between EU Public Procurement Law and EU Competition Law’ concerns the intersection between EU competition law and EU public procurement law when economic operators collaborate to meet the requirements of public contracts. The PhD thesis focuses on particular forms of collaboration between economic operators and how these are evaluated under both legal regimes and brings forth a novel perspective by focusing on which forms are illegal under competition law, but also by discussing which collaborative forms are possible within public procurement in a competition framework. The PhD thesis adopts an interdisciplinary approach by its application of both legal sources and economic theories in order to understand the economic consequences of collaboration between economic operators and seeks to combine a modernized approach to public procurement law with modern competition law and economics understanding
Furthermore, Kathrine is a co-founder of Competition Law Lab. For more information, please visit: Copenhagen Competition Law Lab website
- Public Procurement Law
- Competition Law
- EU Law
- Course coordinator: Dansk udbudsret, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
- Course coordinator: Konkurrenceret, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
- Course coordinator: Videregående konkurrenceret og industriøkonomi, MSc Business Administration and Commercial Law
- Course coordinator: Dansk udbudsret, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
- Course coordinator: Konkurrenceret, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
- Course coordinator: Videregående konkurrenceret og industriøkonomi, MSc Business Administration and Commercial Law
- Exam: Project 1 – Konkurrenceret og industriøkonomi, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
- Bachelor projects, BSc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
- Master theses, Msc in Business Administration and Commercial Law
In the media
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2022, 322 p. (PhD Series, No. 27.2022)
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [wp] 2020, 14 p. (CBS LAW Research Paper, No. 20-32)
Coloplast står midt i stor konkurrence-sag: 'Der er jo sket en vis skade på markedet'
Byggegigant er smidt på porten i Norge efter skandaler i Danmark: Nu undersøger minister mulighederne for sortlistning
TVA: Politisk uro i Sydkorea
Holbæk Kommune vil til bunds i forpagterskandalen
Halbestyrelses forklaringer falder til jorden
Dobbeltroller kan koste vindgigant adgang til prestigeprojekt langt ude i Nordsøen
Stort fødevareudbud møder kritik
Sag om karteldannelse sender chokbølger gennem det danske udbudssystem: "Indgår du som virksomhed i et konsortium, risikerer du at ende i fængsel"
Løn og arbejdsforhold i Konkurrenceretten - Hvor står vi nu?
Eksperter modsiger Skattestyrelsen: Wolt-bude er lønmodtagere
Digitale daglejere
- Chairman Of The Board at the Association of Danish Commercial Lawyers from May 2016 to June 2020. Read more about the Association here