
Department of Management, Society and Communication

  • Centre for Sustainability

Room: DH.Ø.2.19
E-mail: ku.msc@cbs.dk
Kedar Uttam

I am a Sustainability Researcher working at the intersection of social, management and environmental sciences. My postdoc project at CBS explores the integration of environmental, social and governance considerations in ocean financing and involves the development of business cases and translation of research findings into Ocean Economy curricula.  This postdoc is part of the larger project entitled 'Making Oceans Count in the Nordic Financial System' in partnership with WWF Denmark and Green Digital Finance Alliance.

I have a background in Environmental Engineering and PhD with specialization in Environmental Management and Assessment. Facilitated workshops regarding sustainability topics for Master's students and taught Master's level courses such as Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment. Professional experience includes grant management, monitoring and performance evaluation of several action-based sustainable development projects in India funded by the UNDP Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme and furthermore, development and promotion of learning examples based on the evaluation.

Primary research areas
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable investing in the context of the ocean economy
  •  Environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics for the ocean Economy
  • Green procurement
  • Environmental impact assessment


Curriculum Vitae
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ESG Minor

Achieving the SDGs – Environmental Sustainability for Organizations.

Selected publications

Uttam, K and Le Lann Roos, C. 2015. “Competitive dialogue procedure for sustainable public procurement”.  Journal of Cleaner Production. 86. 403-416

Uttam, K, B Balfors, C Faith-Ell, and U Mörtberg. 2013. “Perspectives on Inter-linking Impact Assessment and Green Procurement: The Case of Green Energy.” Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management (JEAPM) 15 (2): 1340004–1 – 1340004–25.

Uttam, K, C Faith-Ell, and B Balfors. 2012. “EIA and Green Procurement: Opportunities for Strengthening Their Coordination.” Environmental Impact Assessment Review 33 (1) (February): 73–79.

Khoshkar, S, K Uttam, B Balfors, C Hörnberg and TB. Fischer. 2021. “Towards advancing strategic environmental assessment practice: learning from experiences of eight European countries”. In ‘Handbook on Strategic Environmental Assessment’, edited by TB. Fischer, c 488 pp. Research Handbooks on Impact Assessment series. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Publications List
Publications sorted by:



Jasmin S. Petersen; Louise H. Nielsen; Sabine S. Hansen; Kedar Uttam; Kristjan Jespersen / Beyond Stock Prices : ESG Scores in the European Healthcare Sector.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2.8.2023
Net publication - Internet publication
Kristjan Jespersen; Kedar Uttam / Innovation AlliancE for Training prograMMes for Deforestation-Free Supply Chains in Europe : EMMA4EU.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 13.11.2023
Net publication - Internet publication
Sara Khoshkar; Kedar Uttam; Berit Balfors; Christina Hörnberg; Thomas B. Fischer / Towards Advancing Strategic Environmental Assessment Practice : Learning from Experiences of Eight European Countries.
In: Handbook on Strategic Environmental Assessment. ed. /Thomas B. Fischer; Ainhoa González. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, p. 319–331 (Research Handbooks on Impact Assessment)
Book chapter > peer review
Outside activities

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