
Department of Strategy and Innovation


Room: KIL/14.A-3.71
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+45 31400062

Thomas Ritter is Professor of Market Strategy and Business Development. Thomas Ritter’s main research interest is in firms’ commercial competence, i.e. the way firms earn profits. This overall interest can be divided into studies on customer insight and market segmentation, customer value creation and value modelling, customer relationship management, and market strategy development. Projects are either on the operational, execution level (how are things done) or on the executive level (how to lead the market-oriented and customer-centric firm). Thomas’ work has been widely published in journals including International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management and Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing.

Primary research areas
  • Commercial competence
  • Market strategies
  • Customer insight and segmentation
  • Customer relationship management
  • Customer value modelling
  • Business development
Social media
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  • Forretningsudvikling (Master of Business Development)
  • Strategy Development (EMBA)
Other teaching activities

Executive teaching courses and programs for CBS Executive

Publications sorted by:
Carsten Lund Pedersen; Thomas Ritter / Firing the Right Customers is Good Business
In: MIT Sloan Management Review, 30.1.2024
Journal article > peer review
Michael Ehret; Wesley J. Johnston; Thomas Ritter / From Buying Centers to Buying Ecosystems : Advancing the B2B Research Journey.
In: Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 117, 2024, 7 p., p. A10-A16
Editorial > peer review
Thomas Ritter; Carsten Lund Pedersen / Is Segmentation a Theory? : Improving the Theoretical Basis of a Foundational Concept in Business-to-business Marketing.
In: Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 116, 1.2024, p. 82-92
Journal article > peer review
Achim Walter; Nicole Coviello; Monika Sienknecht; Thomas Ritter / Leveraging the Lab : How Pre-founding R&D Collaboration Influences the Internationalization Timing of Academic Spin-offs.
In: Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Vol. 48, No. 1, 1.2024, p. 71-103
Journal article > peer review
Christopher Lettl; Thomas Ritter; Carsten Lund Pedersen / The Open Organization
In: Designing Adaptive Organizations. ed. /Charles C. Snow; Øystein D. Fjeldstad. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2024, p. 23-35
Book chapter > peer review
Thomas Ritter; Achim Walter / Value Creation in Business-to-Business Relationships
In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Pricing. ed. /Andreas Hinterhuber. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2024, p. 313-315 (Elgar Encyclopedias in Business and Management series)
Encyclopedia chapter > peer review
Thomas Ritter; Flemming Poulfelt / Danske virksomhedslederes udfordringer anno 2023 : Strategiske dilemmaer i usikre tider.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2023, 17 p.
Christina Merolli Poulsen; Thomas Ritter / Dilemmahåndtering i bestyrelser og direktioner : En inspirationsguide.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2023, 8 p.
Thomas Ritter; Eva Fog Bruun / The CBS Leadership Dilemma Index : Ambition, Assessment, Application.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2023, 7 p.
Carsten Lund Pedersen; Thomas Ritter / 4 Types of Business Transformation
In: Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 21.6.2022
Journal article
More results... (total 189 results)
Research Projects
Outside activities
Year Name of contractual partner Type of activity
2018-2020 Weilbach AS Board member


Commit-Consult  Executive education and management consulting
2018-2024 Thomas Ritter Aps Executive education and management consulting
2022-2023 Visionsoftware  Board member