The Visegrad countries in the European Union

Guest lecture with the Ambassadors of the four Visegrad countries organized by the Centre for the Study of Europe, Department of International Business Communcation.

Onsdag, 20 april, 2016 - 10:00 to 11:30

The Ambassadors of the four Visegrad countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland are giving presentations followed by discussion at the Center for the Study of Europe, IBC.


The four Ambassadors

  • H. E. Mr Jiří Brodský, Ambassador of the Czech Republic,
  • H. E. Mr László Hellebrandt, Ambassador of Hungary,
  • H. E. Mr Boris Gandel, Ambassador of Slovakia, and
  • H. E. Ms Henryka Mościcka-Dendys, Ambassador of Poland,

will each present their country within the European Union and thereafter take part in an open discussion about the four EU member states’ perspectives on European integration.


All are welcome, no registration. For further information about the event please contact Jeppe Juul Petersen, .

Sidst opdateret: Centre for the Study of Europe // 10/10/2018