Seminar on the effects of Public Private Partnerships yields good hope for future projects

The potential behind PPP (Public-Private Partnerships) projects is greatly and as so was the attendance at the OPP (Danish version of PPP (public-private partnerships)) seminar the 11th of October 2012 when the PP-Platform facilitated a seminar in the occasion of the launch of the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority’s newest report on OPP evaluation.


Seminar on the effects of Public Private Partnerships yields good hope for future projects

The potential behind PPP (Public-Private Partnerships) projects is greatly and as so was the attendance at the OPP (Danish version of PPP (public-private partnerships)) seminar the 11th of October 2012 when the PP-Platform facilitated a seminar in the occasion of the launch of the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority’s newest report on OPP evaluation.

The audience was, besides being some of the first to learn about the results of the evaluation report, introduced to an ongoing OPP case from Kolding Municipality and got an insight to current public-private research.

 According to the Public Authorities recent OPP projects has generally turned out successfully albeit resource-intensive.  From today’s date 13 projects is in process and 15 in the phase of evaluation and there are no doubts that we face an increasing tendency.  

Carsten Smidt, vicepresident at the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority argues that OPP projects distinguish from other projects in their capability to synthesize construction and service. This accession has shown to carry great results for instance regarding a financial incentive that guidance overall economy and thereby results in projects with much healthier finance.

The Competition and Consumer Authority’s evaluation report is carried by a wish to produce some guidelines and templates for future OPP projects. I interested, you can read more and download the report (in Danish) here.

In Kolding Municipality the OPP project “Vonsild Plejecenter” (Vonsild eldercare) is running overall very successfully. Anne Schødts whom is project manager on the project, presented a very lively insight to the project focusing on both enhanced successes and challenges.  In Kolding they have experienced a comprehensive interest from private partners in the project and on behalf of a longer research work and idea generating process four consortiums is established all working on an offer and idea they can present for the municipality.

Often it is undervalued how much work that actually lies in getting the market stimulated and open for change and participation. A good idea in this connection is, according to Schødts, to foucs on the need instead of the solutions. By doing this the market can step forward with different proposed solutions.  

Learn more about the project in Kolding:oppseminar_oppprojektetvonsildplejecenter.pdf

According to Academic Director at the CBS Public-Private Platform and Professor Carsten Greve you rarely find that some person or part carries all the knowledge itself and research underlines the positive effect of bringing together the disciplines and link the different part’s knowledge. Collaboration will thus most likely give a lead.

OPP is a great solution for many and many different projects as it utilizes the opportunity for more precise planning, risk sharing, and finance and not least as it establishes a stronger foundation for innovation as many OPP projects takes point of departure in an innovative idea.

Download the presentation by Carsten Greve:cg_opp_i_et_forskningsperspektiv.pdf

Sidst opdateret: Public-Private Platform // 24/03/2014