Centre for Sustainability

Welcome to the Centre for Sustainability. The multi-disciplinary research centre is devoted to the study of sustainable practices and developments in organizations, markets and society at large.

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Welcome to the Centre for Sustainability

The Centre for Sustainability at CBS is a multi-disciplinary research centre devoted to the study of sustainable practices and developments in organizations, markets and society at large. The centre was established in 2002 and is today recognized as one of the leading research environments of its kind in Europe.

The Centre for Sustainability provides external stakeholders with easy access to relevant resources and activities at CBS, while also making it easier for CBS faculty to identify opportunities for collaboration with CBS colleagues and researchers from other universities.

At the same time, the Centre for Sustainability plays a crucial part in delivering on the promises of CBS’s ‘Business in Society’ strategy as well as the business university model adopted by the school. CBS remains committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, to the PRME initiative and to the promotion of sustainable business models and responsible management.

The Centre for Sustainability assists the school in pursuing these goals and standards by developing links to other relevant centres, platforms and research initiatives across the school. You can read more about the centre and its research focus on the About page.

The page was last edited by: Centre for Sustainability // 05/24/2024


Centre for Sustainability
Copenhagen Business School
Dalgas Have 15
2000 Frederiksberg
Email: sustainability@cbs.dk
