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Creating green impact from 1st semester
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Across CBS green transition is discussed, handled and initiated in networks with researchers, students and employees. Furthermore, CBS is represented in national and international networks that works with various approaches to green transition. Below you will find a list of active networks and a contact person. If this seems a bit too much you should simply contact us, and we’ll help you out and facilitate contact to the right people.
The project is led by CBS Campus Services and was launched in 2020.
CBS Campus Sustainability Programme has an ambition to prioritise and ensure synergy between initiatives based on ‘green cases’ which evaluate potential projects as to their impact on the social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainability.
If you wish to know more or have project proposals you are welcome to contact CBS Campus Sustainability Manager Anna Gallaus, / Campus Services: agj.cs@cbs.dk
Read more about the CBS Campus Sustainability Strategy and CBS Campus Sustainability Profile & Goals 2020-2025
The Principles for Responsible Management Education focuses on making responsible management integral to all education at CBS. Our goal is to develop a new generation of business leaders capable of managing the complex challenges faced by business and society in the 21st century.
CBS has been an active PRME signatory since 2008. In 2013, CBS PRME received the PRME Champion title and has maintained the honourable title until 2023 when it decided to increase focus on the chairmanship of the PRME Nordic Chapter.
Our mission is to be a global PRME leader by making responsible management integral to all education at CBS and part of our organisational identity. Furthermore, we reflect upon how we enact responsible management education and make such practices explicit.
We envision a world where free education implies responsibility towards society. We strive to address and support global, regional and local responsible management, sustainability and social issues through PRME and through the advancement of the 2030 Agenda.
CBS contact for PRME: Lavinia: li.go@cbs.dk
CBS is actively engaged and chairing the PRME Nordic Chapter. You can find out more about the Chapter’s activities here.
As part of its commitment to UN PRME, CBS engages in organizing the Carbon and Climate Literacy and Action workshops, supporting the CBS Free Case Collection, developing the Biodiversity Literacy module and participating and supporting the organization of Chapter activities and meetings as well as global PRME initiatives.
CBS’s PRME related activities are coordinated by Academic Director, Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan: cap.acc@cbs.dk and Project lead, Lavinia Iosif-Lazar: li.go@cbs.dk
You can find the latest PRME SIP reports here.
Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) was first established in 2007 at the United Nations Global Compact Leaders’ Summit. You can find out more about UN PRME here.
CBS contact for PRME: Lavinia: li.go@cbs.dk
CLEAN is the Danish environmental cluster with the mission to create innovation and growth within Danish companies who have or need environmental technology solutions. The cluster connects the private sector, research institutions and the public sector and facilitates projects which accelerate innovation and spur the green transition. Visit the homepage of Environmental Cluster Denmark.
Energy Cluster Denmark
Energy Cluster Denmark is Denmark’s cluster organisation for the entire energy sector. The clusters target is for Denmark to be a leading green nation in the development and demonstration of innovative and global energy solutions. Therefore, Energy Cluster Denmark is a neutral, value-creating and member-driven innovation platform for establishing and facilitating innovation collaborations between small and large companies, knowledge institutions and public players throughout the energy sector. Visit the Energy Cluster Denmark homepage.
MARLOG is Denmark’s national cluster organisation for the maritime and logistics sectors. The goal of the cluster is to maintain and strengthen Denmark's position amongst the best in the world both in the maritime industry and throughout the transport chain. Visit the MARLOG Homepage.
Lifestyle & Design Cluster
Lifestyle & Design Cluster works to promote innovation and sustainable growth primarily in the small and medium-sized housing and clothing companies as well as in the creative industries. Visit the Lifestyle & Design Cluster Homepage.
Denmark's cluster organization for digital technologies, DigitalLead, is a gathering point for digital innovation - for companies developing digital solutions as well as for other industries and sectors in need of innovative digital solutions. Visit the DigitalLead Homepage.
Copenhagen Fintech
Copenhagen Fintech works to enrich all stakeholders within fintech innovation, bringing the public and private sector together to achieve societal progress. The network manages the co-working space Copenhagen Fintech Lab, which houses up to 50 fintech startups. Visit the Copenhagen Fintech homepage.
CBS Sustainable Finance Club
The CBS Sustainable Finance Club aims to deliver knowledge and expertise about sustainable financial solutions to the CBS student body and broaden the understanding of how sustainability is integrated into financial services, markets and the general economy. The club do this through hosting events facilitating a discussion between students and the industry, through the management of their equity portfolio as well as through blog posts touching upon interesting topics and developments inside sustainability in the financial industry. Visit the CBS Sustainable Finance Club Homepage.
CBS Climate Club
The goal of CBS Climate Club is to engage students in integrating environmental sustainability as a part of both their personal and professional lives, in order to address the challenges of climate change. The core value of CBS climate club is a mutual interest in the implementation of sustainable choices in our personal as well as professional lives. Visit the CBS Climate Club Homepage.
Oikos Copenhagen
Oikos is an international student-driven organisation for sustainability in economics and management. Founded in 1987 in Switzerland, today they empower leaders to drive change towards sustainability worldwide. Oikos Copenhagen is one of the largest local chapter in the oikos community. The organization provide a platform including 6 annual projects and several activities where students, academia, businesses, government and NGOs collaborate towards a sustainable future. Visit the Oikos Copenhagen Homepage.
Contact: Julie Hordnes (juh.go@cbs.dk)
CSEI is established at CBS’ Department of Economics delivering expertise, new insights and education within energy infrastructure in close cooperation with stakeholders from the sector, the European Commission and society at large. CSEI’s core research focus areas include Decentralised Energy Transformation and Markets, Economics of European Energy Networks with a special focus on Innovation, PtX, Hydrogen, Energy Islands and TYNDP and TEN-E processes and Energy Business Models & Consumer Behaviour including Digitalization.
Visit the CSEI homepage.
Contact: csei@cbs.dk.
Visit the CSE Homepage.
For further information contact: info.cse@cbs.dk.
Visit the CBS Sustainability Homepage.
For further contact: sustainability@cbs.dk.
CBS is a member of the UN Global Compact and the Global Compact Local Network Denmark.
For more information on the Local network, please visit here.
More information on the UNGC can be found here.
CBS contact for UNGC: Lavinia: li.go@cbs.dk
CBS is a member of the GBSN network.
The Global Business School Network is a global network of schools addressing local problems through education and training.
For more information about GBSN, please visit: https://gbsn.org/
CBS contacts for GBSN membership:
Martin Jes Iversen: mji.si@cbs.dk
Wilbert van der Meer: wm.stu@cbs.dk
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an independent intergovernmental body established by States to strengthen the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, long-term human well-being and sustainable development.
CBS is part of the IPBES Denmark local network.
For more information about IPBES Denmark, please visit: IPBES i DANMARK – Det danske koordinationskontor for IPBES
CBS contacts for IPBES membership:
Justine Grønbæk Pors, jgp.mpp@cbs.dk