
Past events

  • 3 juni, 2005 - 13:30 to 16:00
    CBS has appointed Bjørn Lomborg Adjunct at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy.
  • 3 juni, 2005 - 12:00 to 13:00
    Learn about Institutional Entrepreneurship in the Wind Power Industry
  • 3 juni, 2005 - 00:00
  • 2 juni, 2005 - 10:00 to 12:00
    Reinventing welfare regimes: Employers and the implementation of active social policy by professor Cathie Jo Martin, Boston University og Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies by Professor Kathleen Thelen, Northwestern University
  • 2 juni, 2005 - 10:00 to 14:00
    Seminar with Kathleen Turner, Northwestern University and Cathie jo Martin, Boston University
  • 1 juni, 2005 - 16:00 to 19:00
    Learn good presentation technique
  • 1 juni, 2005 - 10:00 to 12:00
    Seminar on Institutional Diversity and the Problem of Institutional Change in the US Economy 1900-1950
  • 1 juni, 2005 - 10:00 to 12:00
    What's On the Path? Path Dependence, Institutional Diversity and the Problem of Institutional Change in the US Economy, 1900-1950
  • 31 maj, 2005 - 15:00 to 16:00
    Center for Virksomhedsudvikling og Ledelse (CVL) har udnævnt Christian Nissen til adjungeret professor.
  • 31 maj, 2005 - 14:00 to 15:30
    Erik du Plessis provides a fascinating and fresh insight into how the brain works and responds to advertising.
