
Past events

  • 22 september, 2017 - 14:00 to 18:30
    Through time, all CBS employees have played a part in creating the CBS we know today. Therefore, on the occasion of CBS Centenary it is with great pleasure that CBS’ Management invites all former CBS employees to a centenary reception. After the reception (15:30), current staff of CBS is invited for centenary beers and live jazz.
  • 21 september, 2017 - 17:30 to 18:30
    Join the initiation of the Executive in Residence initiative when FinanceLab invites you to meet Danske Bank's CEO Thomas F. Borgen.
  • 15 september, 2017 - 14:00 to 16:00
    Avalanche Modernity: On Crowd Behavior and Algorithmic Finance
  • 14 september, 2017 - 14:00 to 16:00
    In order to obtain the PhD degree, Thomas Emil Jensen has submitted his thesis entitled 'Shipping Information Pipeline: An information infrastructure to improve international containerized shipping'.
  • 13 september, 2017 - 13:00 to 15:00
    In order to obtain the PhD degree, Vilhelm Holsting has submitted his thesis entitled: Militært chefvirke: Kritik og retfærdiggørelse mellem politik og profession
  • 6 september, 2017 - 13:30 to 18:30
    The annual Supply Chain Leaders Forum celebrates the century peak by identifying top-25 supply chain leaders in Denmark 2017 and awarding best of the best.
  • 4 september, 2017 - 15:00 to 17:00
    Inaugural Lecture by Professor MSO Peter Lund-Thomsen, MSC
  • 4 september, 2017 - 15:00 to 17:00
  • 1 september, 2017 - 13:30 to 15:30
    On 1 September 2017, Copenhagen Business School will host a PhD graduation event, and therefore cordially invites CBS PhD alumni, CBS Career Partners, faculty, CBS graduates and other CBS alumni to celebrate the PhD graduates' achievements and contributions to science.
  • 1 september, 2017 - 09:00 to 12:00
    Invitation to a workshop with Sri Vishva Sant Brahmrishi Sri Guruvanandji Swami
