Information meeting about Industrial PhD-opportunities

Invitation to information meeting about the Industrial PhD-scheme (ErhvervsPhD-ordningen). Monday March 17th 2014 10.00-12.00 at Porcelænshaven, PH.110.


The CBS Research Support invites CBS researchers, students and companies, to an information meeting about the Industrial PhD-scheme and the opportunities for CBS Researchers to find and guide potential candidates in future Industrial PhD-projects.

An Industrial PhD project is a three-year industrially focused PhD project where the student is hired by a company and enrolled at a university at the same time. The company receives a wage subsidy and the university has its expenses for supervision etc. covered by the Ministry.

At the meeting, you will be introduced to the general ideas, principles and formalities behind the scheme, presented by Klaus Ammitzbøl, Head of Section at the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, receive information about the different assessment criteria and inspiration for the planning of good Industrial PhD-projects presented by Flemming Poulfelt and Britta Gammelgaard from CBS - previous and current member of the Industrial PhD Programme Committee. Furthermore, you will also get a chance to meet Industrial PhD-candidates, who will talk about their experiences with doing an Industrial PhD-project and companies with either an interest in or experience with hosting Industrial PhD-candidates. The meeting will be arranged around the individual presentations followed by questions and hopefully networking activities among students, supervisors and potential companies.

If you wish to take part in the meeting, please ‘sign-up’ by sending an email to Rasmus Gyldenkerne in RSO: Rasmus will also provide administrative support and sparring related to future Industrial PhD-applications.

In case you have any questions regarding the information meeting, the Industrial PhD-scheme etc. please don’t hesitate to contact Rasmus for any inquiries.

Sidst opdateret: Sustainability Platform // 12/02/2019