New Special Issue in Third World Quarterly on New Actors and Alliances in Development

Edited by Professors Lisa Ann Richey (Roskilde University) and Stefano Ponte (CBS) this special issue examines the rise of new actors and the configuration of new alliances in sustainable development

The nexus of sustainable development has seen a marked shift from public aid to private flows, from primarily North–South relations to multiple polarities of emerging economies and new donors to the ubiquitous debate on China in Africa. The ten contributions in this collection move beyond the analysis of ‘traditional’ actors – such as governments, international organisations and NGOs – to highlight how business, consumers, celebrities, philanthropic organisations, diaspora groups, elites and ‘non-traditional’ state actors work as ‘legitimate’ development actors to configure the ideas and financing for sustainable development.
Key words: actors, sustainable development, brand aid, cause-related marketing, consumption, poverty reduction, bottom of the pyramid, trade, aid, NGOs.


Articles in this special issue
Authors Articles
Lisa Ann Richey & Stefano Ponte New actors and alliances in development
Michael Blowfield & Catherine S. Dolan Business as a development agent: evidence of possibility and improbability
Uma Kothari Trade, consumption and development alliances: the historical legacy of the Empire Marketing Board poster campaign
Stefano Ponte & Lisa Ann Richey Buying into development? Brand Aid forms of cause-related marketing
Dan Brockington The production and construction of celebrity advocacy in international development
Linsey McGoey The philanthropic state: market–state hybrids in the philanthrocapitalist turn
Lindsay Whitfield & Lars Buur The politics of industrial policy: ruling elites and their alliances
Peter Kragelund ‘Donors go home’: non-traditional state actors and the creation of development space in Zambia
Alexandra Cosima Budabin

Diasporas as development partners for peace? The alliance between the Darfuri diaspora and the Save Darfur Coalition

Nicola Banks & David Hulme New development alternatives or business as usual with a new face? The transformative potential of new actors and alliances in development


Sidst opdateret: Sustainability Platform // 28/09/2023