RePHAS: Call for Abstracts

It is now possible to submit your abstract for RePHAS


It is a pleasure to invite submission of abstracts to RePHAS, a one-day symposium for early-career sustainability researchers at Copenhagen Business School on Wednesday 13, April 2016. The aim is to develop interdisciplinarity understandings of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in light of governance issues, systems thinking, and the Planetary Boundaries framework. Keynote speakers include Victor Galaz of the Stockholm Resilience Centre and Anders Rier Muller of Roskilde University. The symposium is supported by CBS’s Governing Responsible Business (GRB) Research Environment and ODYSUS, the Øresund region’s earlycareer sustainability researcher network. The GRB works to develop a vibrant research community around socioeconomic governance and responsible business, and ODYSUS seeks to build sustainability-focused relationships and understandings across disciplines and across the Øresund.

The call for abstracts closes 14 March 2016, and notification is given by 28 March 2016. Accepted authors will be asked to give a 15-minute presentation on their work. Tickets to the event and symposium dinner are pre-reserved for
accepted presenters. Full papers are not necessary. Topics of interest As the symposium aims to represent varied disciplinary and inter-disciplinary research, any topic areas within sustainability are welcome. Of particular interest are subjects related to the SDGs and that touch upon responsibility, governance, planetary boundaries, and systems thinking; but these are not exhaustive. Rather, we would like to represent a breadth of research. Guide for authors The deadline for abstracts is Monday, 14 March 2016, 17:00 Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words. Include your name, position, institution, and keywords.
To submit your abstract, please send via email to with the subject line “RePHAS Abstract”.

Important Dates
Deadline for submission: 14 March 2016
Notification of acceptance: 28 March 2016
Deadline for non-presenter registration: 30 March 2016
To see the preliminary programme and obtain tickets for non-presenters,
please visit the event page:

For all general enquiries, please contact:
We look forward to seeing you at RePHAS. 

Sidst opdateret: Centre for Sustainability // 08/10/2019