Last chance to sign up for the FRIC’16 conference

In 2016, the annual FRIC conference will focus on banking and money markets and takes place in Copenhagen on August 22-23 - last chance to sign up is August 15, 2016


For the fourth time, the FRIC Conference on Financial Frictions will take place in August at Copenhagen Business School. This year’s conference will focus on banking and money markets.

If you would like to participate in this year's FRIC conference, sign up as soon as possible on the conference website:

Deadline for registration is Monday August 15, 2016 at noon.

See the exceptional line-up of speakers below and find the full conference program here.

Keynote Speakers
Douglas M. Gale
, New York University: A General Equilibrium Theory of Bank Capital Structure
Marco Pagano, University of Naples Federico II and CEPR: The Bank-Sovereign Nexus and the Case for European Safe Bonds
George G. Pennacchi, University of Illinois: Bank Capital
Amir Sufi, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago: Household debt and business cycles worldwide  

Leif B. Andersen
, Bank of America Merrill Lynch: XVAs: the Balance Sheet View
Victoria Ivashina, Harvard Business School: Monetary Policy And Global Banking
Erwan Morellec, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and CEPR: Bank Capital, Liquid Reserves, and Insolvency Risk
Kjell G. Nyborg, University of Zürich and CEPR: Central Bank Collateral Frameworks
Martin Oehmke, Columbia Business School: Bank Resolution and the Structure of Global Banks
Motohiro Yogo, Princeton University: Quantitative Easing and Portfolio Rebalancing: Evidence from Asset Holdings Data in the Euro Area

Morten Linnemann Bech
, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Ulrich Bindseil, European Central Bank (ECB)
David Lando, Copenhagen Business School
Kristian Miltersen, Copenhagen Business School
José-Luis Peydró, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, CREI and Barcelona GSE, CEPR
Martin Summer, Oesterreichische Nationalbank


FRIC16 conference
FRIC'16 Keynotes slider
FRIC16 conference sign up
Sidst opdateret: Center for Financial Frictions // 11/07/2023