New CBS Maritime PhD Seminars

CBS Maritime introduces a series of seminars with the aim of targeting academic dissemination and further development of within-platform and platform-industry relations.


CBS Maritime is organizing a series of seminars, where PhD fellows affiliated with the platform present their projects with the primary aim to receive feedback in a professional and constructive set-up. This will create an opportunity to meet more often across departments, to hear about the research that is being conducted, to receive and provide constructive feedback on research outputs, and potentially also create the foundation for future research collaboration and teaching possibilities.

The seminars are 1 hour long and consist of 30 minutes presentation and 30 minutes feedback.

The first seminar was held on 22 September, where PhD fellow Agnieszka Nowinska presented her article “Proximities and Collaborations in Ship-broking” to fellow CBS Maritime researchers and industry participants, aiming for submission in a special issue of ‘Industry and Innovation’.

- As a PhD student, my usual audience at presentations at conferences or seminars is academic faculty. They contribute to building strong and sound theoretical frameworks. However, the opportunity to have business practitioners in the room at my seminar was the ultimate check of the relevance and validity of my study. It was enormously beneficial not only in terms of confirming some working assumptions, but also most importantly, the findings and underlying mechanisms in my study, says Agnieszka Nowinska, PhD fellow at CBS Maritime.

The research themes of the greater part of PhD projects carried out within CBS Maritime result from a comprehensive mapping exercise, involving decision-makers from all the maritime industry sectors in Denmark.

Read more about the Competitive Challenges and Strategic Development Potential in Global Maritime Industries project.

The seminars will be announced on the CBS Maritime webpage.

Sidst opdateret: CBS Maritime // 17/12/2017