MBA gives broader choices

Students taking an MBA worldwide agree on one thing: they take an MBA in order to get a wider choice of career possibilities.


Students taking an MBA worldwide agree on one thing: they take an MBA in order to get a wider choice of career possibilities.

It costs a fortune, takes up your time for a year or more, demands the utmost from the small grey cells and has been nicknamed "the divorce study". Despite this, the MBA is enormously popular amongst the sharpest career people within business.

The title can metaphorically accelerate a career just like an Aston Martin in second gear or give the opportunity of jumping over to a more attractive field without first having to move down the career ladder. And in both situations, the three letters on a business card can provide a consequent contribution to the salary slip, according to a recent study undertaken by the Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC).

GMAC asked over 5000 MBA students worldwide about their reasons for taking an MBA and what their expectations were after the study.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 04/04/2008