CBS receives EU funding to strengthen sustainable entrepreneurship

It must be easier to pursue the idea of starting a sustainable business. CBS has received funding from the EU to conduct research in sustainable entrepreneurship with 14 European research institutions.

By Matilde Hørmand-Pallesen
A group of entrepreneurs hate wasting food. Supermarkets give them discarded fruit, they make chutney and sell it. Several sustainable companies run car-sharing services - a concept where many families share one car.
An increasing number of companies have a major focus on societal and environmental problems. But what makes people establish a sustainable company, and which factors make the business a success?
There is very little knowledge about this sustainability trend, however, a new EU-funded research project, EU-InnovativE is going to address this - and CBS will play a major part.  CBS will conduct research in the sustainability trend in collaboration with 14 European research institutions. CBS has received almost DKK 2.8 million.
Lucia Reisch, professor of consumer behaviour and consumer politics, will be in charge of the research project at CBS. She is member of several environmental committees and is affiliated with the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management at CBS.
More than 50 sustainable companies part of the project
This collaboration across countries and universities can create a vast amount of fruitful data material, and more than 50 sustainable companies in 15 European countries will be involved in this project.
These start-up companies offer sustainable products and services.
They are primarily in the food and beverages industry and the housing, transportation and energy sector.
Project results in recommendations
The focus of CBS' research team is to study how international EU policies either promote or impede sustainable start-up companies, and how other companies are motivated to take the plunge and create an environmentally friendly business.
The research will result in specific recommendations for running a sustainable business and thus make it easier for environmentally conscious entrepreneurs to establish a business. The first results will be ready in December 2014. 
For more information, please contact Lucia Reisch on or Kristian Roed Nielsen, Research Assistant on mobile: +45 2639 6090, email: or contact CBS Press Services.
The research project:
The research project is entitled "Sustainable Lifestyles 2.0: End User Integration, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (EU-InnovatE)”. The European Commission has granted EUR 4.7 million to the project. CBS has received EUR 369,032 which is DKK 2,753,163. The project runs from 2014 to 2016.


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020