'How to invest 1,000 billion?' - presentations from the PeRCent event

For the second year in a row, PeRCent successfully hosted the event 'How to invest 1,000 billion?'


On December 17, 2019, The Pension Research Centre (PeRCent) held the event ’Hvordan investeres 1.000 mia.? Forventninger til 2020’ (‘How to invest 1,000 billion? Expectations for 2020’). The event was held in Danish and organized by PeRCent co-director Jesper Rangvid.

Chief economist from Maj Bank, Mikkel Langmack, presented his expectations to the financial markets in 2020. Additionally, three chief investment officers, Claus Stampe from PensionDanmark, Anders Schelde from MP Pension and Poul Kobberup from Danica Pension, presented their investment strategies and their expectations for the investment year 2020. The program also featured a panel discussion with the chief economist and the three investment officers, and was moderated by Jesper Rangvid. Approx. 150 people from both the industry and academia participated in the event.

Find the presentations from the event here.

For more information about the event, please click here.

Sidst opdateret: Department of Finance // 04/04/2022