Remembering Birgitte Tufte


It is with great sadness that the Department of Marketing has been informed that Professor Dr. Birgitte Tufte passed away in her sleep on Saturday 13th July 2013.

Professor Dr. Birgitte Tufte was a much respected colleague and an extremely knowledgeable researcher. She was one of Denmark’s leading researchers in the field of children and tweens, their consumer habits and the way in which advertising and communication affects them. Professor Dr. Birgitte Tufte’s research has had a vast impact on the way companies market themselves to children and teenagers, as well as on the legislations and the interpretation of the legislations on marketing to children and teenagers as consumers. Professor Dr. Birgitte Tufte’s studies will continue to be of great influence on future research within the topic.

In 2009 Professor Dr. Birgitte Tufte became a Knight of Dannebrog.

Professor Dr. Birgitte Tufte spent the last 11 years of her career at the Department of Marketing, Copenhagen Business School.

The Department of Marketing  will miss Birgitte greatly. She was an inspirational mentor to many of us and we will remember her as a warm and caring person who was always willing to help her colleagues.

Our thoughts are with her family.

Ricky Wilke
Head of Department


Det er med stor sorg, at Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi har modtaget meddelelse om at Professor, dr. Pæd Birgitte Tufte er afgået ved døden lørdag d. 13. juli 2013. Birgitte Tufte sov stille ind efter længere tids sygdom.

Professor, dr. Pæd Birgitte Tufte tilbragte de seneste 11 år af sin karriere på Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi, Copenhagen Business School. Hun var en meget respekteret kollega, og en særdeles kompetent forsker. Hun var en af landets førende forskere indenfor børn og tweens, deres forbrug og måden hvorpå reklame og kommunikation påvirker dem. Birgitte Tufte's forskning har fået stor praktisk betydning for virksomhedernes markedsføring overfor børn og unge, samt lovgivningen og fortolkningen af samme om markedsføring overfor børn og unge som forbrugere. Birgitte Tufte's forskning vil have betydning for den fremtidige forskning indenfor feltet.

Professor Birgitte Tufte blev i 2009 Ridder af Dannebrog.

På Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi vil vi savne Birgitte Tufte, hun var en inspirerende mentor for mange af os. Vi vil huske hende som et varmt menneske som altid var parat til at hjælpe sine kollegaer.

Vores tanker går til hendes familie.

Ricky Wilke



Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/12/2017