
  • 05.04.2024

    Sports can make us better leaders

    Good leadership is crucial in sports as well as in business, and just like in the world of sports, it requires training. In connection with the event “From the saddle to the corner office”, former elite athlete and CEO as well as PhD at CBS, Rikke Rønholt, explains how leadership is something we can train for.
  • 26.03.2024

    AI: The world’s smartest study buddy

    CBS wants to prepare the students for a reality where AI is part of everyday life. How is technology used most productively while still learning?
  • 18.03.2024

    Green Investments: Does it Pay Off?

    Green Investments: Does it Pay Off? - Lasse Heje Pedersen, Financial Economist, on Predicting and Understanding Financial Markets
  • 11.03.2024

    Globalisation: Time to go network

    World trade has entered a new stage that puts Denmark and Europe under pressure, says CBS researcher. A new EU directive will add even further challenges.
  • 07.03.2024

    New study: Being laid off affects women more severely than men

    If women lose their job, the risk of long-term unemployment is markedly higher than for men. It affects mothers particularly severely as they are twice as prone to long-term unemployment compared to fathers, a new study concludes. This new knowledge should lead to initiatives that will help the most marginalised groups gain employment again, according to Anne Sophie Lassen, Postdoc at Copenhagen Business School and one of the researchers behind the study.
  • 23.02.2024

    Book a Researcher at the Danish Science Festival

    From the rapid and innovative development of payment methods to crises in the Spanish economy. During the Danish Science Festival, April 19-26, you can meet researchers from CBS and gain special insights into their areas of research.
