
  • 28.03.2019

    CBS in April

    How should Danish companies act during refugee crises? How come 82% of the world’s wealth are going into the pockets of only 1% of the population? Visit CBS in April to attend a number of lectures that provide food for thought.
  • 20.03.2019

    Book a free lecture by a CBS researcher

    Until 5 April 2019 it’s possible to book a CBS researcher to hold a free lecture during the Danish Science Festival. Choose from among 18 different lectures covering topics as diverse as money laundering and tax evasion to personal finances and marketing of the future.
  • 07.03.2019

    Professor of global strategy to receive honorary doctorate from CBS

    CBS will award Professor Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra of Northeastern University with an honorary doctorate on Friday 15 March 2019. His inaugural lecture will discuss international business and strategy, especially emerging market multinationals. Everyone is welcome to attend.
  • 28.02.2019

    CBS in March

    Here are some of the month's events. What strategy and innovation challenges do Danish companies face internationally? How can we achieve gender equality in the Danish employment market? Help us seek solutions when CBS and KVINFO celebrate International Women's Day. Read more about all the events at CBS.
  • 25.02.2019

    Two CBS researchers win international case award

    CBS teaching cases are among the most used in lecture halls across the world. Congratulations to Professor Michael Mol and Professor Dana Minbaeva, who both have won an award for their popular cases on the tech giant Apple and the oil company KazOil.
  • 20.02.2019

    Training for case competition – and for the future

    Lots of training, dedication and a willingness to constantly improve are what it takes to become part of CBS’ International Case Competition teams. In addition, it provides valuable learning and is extremely fun and social. This is what motivates Rikke and Tobias, who in week 9 will represent CBS at the CBS Case Competition.
