Full-time MBA among the best in Europe

New survey places CBS’ full-time MBA in the European top league


New survey places CBS’ full-time MBA in the European top league

For the second year in a row, CBS is moving upwards in the recognised QS Global 200 Business School Report, which rates the best full-time MBA programmes in five regions. Companies rate the programmes based on how attractive it is to recruit new employees from the different schools. This year, CBS has gone up 6 places and is now number 11. This places CBS in the so-called "top cluster" of European full-time MBA programmes.

Lee Milligan, Admissions Manager at the full-time MBA, is happy about the rating. - It's a result of hard work and a close collaboration with the students. We have a good and close-knit team behind this programme and a very good relationship with the students, who are open and honest about their studies. This provides us with an opportunity to develop the programme to meet the needs of the students, he says.

CBS is more known

French INSEAD is number one on the list, followed by London Business School and Said Business School at Oxford University. Top 3 has not changed since 2010. QS differs from other lists by basing the survey on companies' evaluation of the educational institutions.

- The full-time MBA at CBS is nine years old and is more known in the world today. At the same time the students are becoming more and more skilled. So the companies already know about us, says Lee Milligan from the full-time MBA.


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/19/2011