Larger intake through quota 2 in 2012

This year, CBS has enrolled more students through quota 2 than ever before and is expecting an even higher motivation in the study environments


This year, CBS has enrolled more students through quota 2 than ever before and is expecting an even higher motivation in the study environments

The grade point average is not the only thing that counts for an even larger part of the people who apply for admission to one of CBS' bachelor programmes.

In the Danish-taught programmes, 20 % of the students are now enrolled through quota 2 (the application group for students who need to be assessed on other factors than their GPA) compared to 10 % in 2011. The English-taught programmes, International Business, and International Business and Politics, have also experienced an increase. 35 % of the new students will be chosen from the quota 2 applications, which is an increase of 10 percentage points.

Hoping for lower dropout rates

The Ministry for Science, Innovation and Higher Education are responsible for approving the ratio between the two quotas. Sven Bislev, Vice Dean for Education, calls it a breakthrough that CBS now gets more freedom to act with respect to this year's admissions.

- We are able to assess the applicants on other factors than their grade point average, and we can therefore optimise the intake in relation to for instance dropout rates. We also know that other factors than grades have an impact on how you feel about your studies, says Sven Bislev.

This year's division also means that less study places are filled through quota 1. If the number of applicants is the same as last year, the quota 1 applicants may need a higher grade point average to get admitted.


See this year's bachelor intake broken down by quota 1 and 2

Read more about admission at CBS s mere om optagelse på CBS

Read more about admission through quota 2

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 03/19/2012