Big league CEOs pay study visits to CBS

The aim of the initiative is to develop research and education in cooperation with some of the largest recruiters of CBS graduates. The first Executive in Residence will be Danske Bank CEO Thomas F. Borgen.


Photo: Ulrik Jantzen

Researchers and students can look forward to getting close to CEOs from major Danish companies. The new initiative invites CEOs to pay study visits to CBS for a year at a time as an Executive in Residence. This initiative is inspired by a concept developed by some of the most prominent universities in the Western world. The first CEO will be Thomas F. Borgen from Danske Bank.

”We are happy and proud to present Thomas F. Borgen as the first CEO from the top end of Danish companies, which are about to get closer to CBS in our new Executives in Residence programme. We are looking forward to working closely together with him in the next academic year", says President Per Holten-Andersen and continues:

”We consider this collaboration with Thomas F. Borgen and Danske Bank an almost perfect match. Thomas is a charismatic leader of one of the largest companies in Denmark, and to top it all, Danske Bank recruits a considerable number of students from CBS and has been one of our most important corporate partners", says Per Holten-Andersen.

As Executive in Residence, the CEO will meet talented students and a number of research environments at CBS through meetings planned throughout the academic year. The aim of the initiative is to bring the company's challenges closer to CBS and come up with ideas for new, exciting research of high relevance to society and develop CBS' programmes, so that they are targeted at some of the largest recruiters to a still higher degree - without compromising on quality. Thomas F. Borgen is looking forward to this collaboration - collaboration that the considers a two-way street:

"I am looking very much forward to this collaboration with CBS. I will be gaining new and relevant knowledge as well as inspiration from talented researchers and students to bring back and share with my colleagues at Danske Bank. This is also an opportunity for me to apply my knowledge and experience to help strengthen CBS' profile even more", says Thomas F. Borgen. He adds:

"For a century, CBS has been an important part of the Danish education sector. CBS offers education in areas, in which we share many competences. Therefore it is only natural that we find new ways to cooperate. Executives in Residence is a great initiative, which will bring the major companies even closer to CBS. In the long term, this will prepare the students who come from CBS even better for contributing to the company they become part of. So companies and CBS will both benefit from this collaboration", says Thomas F. Borgen.

The first event at CBS with CEO Thomas F. Borgen is 21 September.

For more information please contact CBS or Danske Bank

CBS: Louise Seest, Director, CBS Business
Danske Bank: Communications Advisor, Joachim Steenstrup, tel.: +45 4514 0293, email:

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019