Jesper Berg, Nykredit Bank managing director, appointed adjunct professor

Department of Finance at CBS appoints Jesper Berg, managing director at Nykredit Bank, adjunct professor of finance.


Another prominent figure in the Danish banking industry becomes affiliated with CBS. Recently the chairman of the board at Danske Bank was appointed adjunct professor at Center for Corporate Governance and now managing director at Nykredit Bank A/S, Jesper Berg, is appointed adjunct professor of finance.

Before joining Nykredit, Jesper Berg had a distinguished career in public service, working at the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, and most recently at the Danish Central Bank as the head of Financial Stability.

Professor Søren Hvidkjær, Head of the Department of Finance,  is looking forward to Jesper Berg’s contribution to the research and educational activities at the department.

- Jesper Berg shows a deep understanding of the financial and monetary system and is an active contributor to both the public and academic debate in finance. In the wake of the financial crisis, he wrote the book ‘Finansernes fald’ with co-author Morten Bech, which provided an insightful analysis of the causes of the crisis and the lessons learned, says professor Søren Hvidkjær.

On 28 August, 2015, Jesper Berg will hold his inaugural lecture and the formal appointment will take place. The appointment is for a five-year period. The lecture is open to the public and the programme will be announced on the Department of Finance website.

For further information, contact Professor Søren Hvidkjær, Head of Department of Finance, at or tel. 3815 3533.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017