Department of Marketing


If you consider applying for a position at the Department of Marketing, please read below

About the Department

Based in architecturally beautiful buildings in central Copenhagen, the Department of Marketing is a leading provider of excellent research-based education. Our strategy is unashamedly ambitious. Our goal is to be the undisputed leader in marketing education in Scandinavia and a leading marketing department on a European level, held in high esteem in terms of our research and education. Our mission is to deliver excellent research-led education to an international audience at all levels, and to engage with business and society.

Faculty members are committed to rigorous theory development and theory-driven, empirical research—outcomes that are central goals for any reputed business school. The Department focuses on contributing to a holistic understanding of the interactions and activities in the marketplace. Thus, our research focuses on marketing, yet we draw on other academic disciplines to the extent that they improve the quality of our marketing research. We accordingly publish in both marketing and other relevant journals contained within the Academic Journal Guide (AJG; formerly ABS) ranking list.

The research of the Department covers broad areas (often cross-disciplinary) in both business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketing, for example, brand marketing management, circular economy and sustainability, corporate social responsibility, decision neuroscience, design management, international marketing, market orientation, product innovation management, relationship marketing, strategic marketing, tourism and destination marketing, and trust. Faculty members use a wide range of methodologies, both qualitative and quantitative.

Through our research-based teaching, we contribute across a palette of courses and programs in the Business School including brand marketing management, business-to-business marketing, consumer behavior, design, international marketing, marketing management, marketing performance, relationship marketing, and tourism marketing.

Vacant positions - how to apply?

When a vacant position has been advertised, and you decide to submit an application, you will need to submit a series of documents (see below). You will see that some notes accompany these documents. This is to help you and, eventually, the assessment committee and the interview committee that will make their recommendation/decision.

A shortlisting committee (consisting of the Head of Department and a faculty member of the department) will be reviewing all the job applications to determine whether a candidate should be shortlisted for further assessment. Minimum two candidates and, when possible, five or more candidates will be shortlisted. The shortlisted candidates will be notified about the composition of the assessment committee (consisting of a faculty member of the department and two academics from outside Denmark). The committee’s subsequent assessment of each candidate (which is either ‘qualified for the position’ or ‘not qualified for the position) will be submitted to the candidate in question. Subsequently, the Head of Department will consider the applications from, and the assessments of, those candidates who have been found qualified for the position and then make his recommendation to the Dean of Research as to which candidate is the Department’s preferred candidate. This candidate will be invited for a job interview with the Business School’s interview committee (the so-called CWAC).

For any questions, please contact Professor Thyra Uth Thomsen, Head of Department of Marketing, e-mail:

Best of luck.

Kind regards,

Department of Marketing

Documents to be submitted

1. A motivated statement of why the candidate applies for the advertised vacant position.

2. Proof of qualifications (i.e., scanned copies of degree awards) and a full CV. As a general rule, it is better to include information in the CV rather than to exclude information. Among other things, you could:

  • Include the grade point average (GPA) for each of your degrees, as well as the grade for your thesis works.
  • Include information about seminars and speeches, both inside and outside universities (if any).
  • Include information about ‘articles’ in newspapers, trade magazines, etc.
  • Include any other information about dissemination you have engaged in, for example, media interviews, participation in workshops with practitioner, member of boards, research funding bodies, expert roles to, say, government bodies, and so on.

3. Documentation of relevant, significant, and original research at an international level, including publications in the field’s internationally recognized journals, and the impact that this research has had on education and practice (including, for example, Google Scholar/Scopus/Web of Science citations). Among other things, you could:

  • Include information about the number of your citations and h-index (and note whether you have used Google Scholar, Scopus, or Web of Science).
  • Include endorsements for your books (if any).
  • Include information about which authors published in the special issue(s) you have guest edited (if any).

4. A complete, numbered list of publications (please follow Journal of Marketing style) with an * indicating those academic publications that you wish to be considered by the assessment committee. A maximum of 10 publications for review are allowed. You are requested to prioritize your publications in relation to the field of this job advertisement. Also, each publication in the complete list of publications should note the ranking according to the AJG list and, if the publication appears on the FT 50 list, this should be noted, too.

  • Include the ranking of the journals you have published in. Please follow the AJG list; visit: You should use the ranking that was in use when your article was accepted. Also note if the journals are included in the FT 50 list.
  • For each journal article, please note what your role was in that paper. For example, it could be that you and your co-author have contributed equally to all parts. However, it could also be that your contribution was that of analyzing the data. Obviously, other roles exist.
  • Include (not required) the citations for each article.

5. Copies of the publications marked with an * should be submitted as PDF files as part of the application. Only publications written in English or one of the Scandinavian languages (Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish) will be taken into consideration.

6. Documentation of teaching qualifications, teaching evaluations (please state the level of each course), and other relevant material for the evaluation of your pedagogical level. Candidates should list the areas that you can and will teach.

  • It is useful to include a table with the following columns: name of course; the institution where you taught the course; the level (BA/MA/MBA/PhD/Executive) of the course; the name of the program in which the course was part; the type of course (e.g., seminars, exercises, …); number of ECTS; your role in the course (e.g., lecturer, course coordinator, …); number of lectures you gave; your unique contributions to the course; number of years that you have taught the course; average number of students; and student evaluations.
Name of course




Type of course








My role

My number of lectures

My unique contributions

No. of years I taught the course

Average no. of students

Student evaluations


7. Information indicating experience in research management (within and/or outside your University/School) you previously have participated in.

8. Information indicating industry co-operation and international research co-operation. Furthermore, you should discuss the relevance and impact on business and society of your research and teaching activities.

9. Information of applications for externally funded projects. You are requested to state your role in each of these projects, whether the project applications were successful or not, and the amount applied for (or actually awarded). Please appreciate that information about unsuccessful project applications are important, too, as they evidence that you are active applying for externally funded projects.

  • Include information about your role in research funding you have received (if any). Were you the principle investigator or a co-investigator? What were your work packages (i.e., monetary sum)?

10. Discussion of citizenship activities that candidates have been involved in.

  • The department is a community where faculty members engage in collaborative research, education, funding activities, and participate in intellectual exchanges related to such activities. Accordingly, please include information about how you in the past have engaged in citizenship activities. This could include research seminars, brown-bag sessions, and the like. It could be in the promotion of an open and inspiring research debate culture. It also could be in undertaking (large) administrative roles within your department, as well as in representing your department within and occasionally outside the wider business school. You might have served as a member of your business school’s board, research platforms, academic council, and study boards, among others. Finally, you could have been mentor to more inexperienced colleagues.


Dear Ph.D. applicant,

In order to be considered for the advertised Ph.D. position, you need to look through the requirements listed below. You need to fulfill all of these requirements to be considered for the position. The GMAT or GRE test scores are strongly recommended. The requirements are as follows

  • 3-years 180 ECTS Bachelor degree
  • 2-years 120 ECTS Master degree with a 30 ECTS Master’s degree dissertation with a grade of minimum 10 (following Copenhagen Business School’s [CBS] 7-point scale; the grade 10 on the 7-point scale is equal to 10/12 = 83.3 % out of a maximum of 100 % )

You need to have attained the following graduate point average (GPA) score:

  • Either: a combined GPA of 8.2 on CBS’ 7-point scale (i.e., 8.2/12 = 68.3 %) . You combine your Bachelor’s GPA and Master’s GPA by applying the following calculation: (180 x Bachelor GPA + 120 x Masters GPA) / 300
  • Or: GPA of 9.5 (on CBS’s 7-point scale) in your Master’s degree (corresponding to 9.5/12 = 79.2 %).

Please submit a detailed overview of each of your course grades (bachelor and master degrees) including a detailed overview in an Excel table that translates each course grade into %. For example, if you have a grading system of 1-5 (with for example 5 being the highest), and you get 4.5 in a course, then you convert the grade to % as follows: 4.5/5 = 90 %.

Finally, it is strongly recommended that you submit:

  • Either: Your full GMAT test scores
  • And/or: Your full GRE test scores.

Thank you.

The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 07/26/2024