What if…? New publication on location flexibility in global supply chains


In order to respond to their more volatile and risky environments (or in anticipation thereof), firms increasingly rely on location flexibility, as manifested in, e.g., “China + one” strategies or evacuation contingency plans for key personnel.

In a book chapter, “Location flexibility in global supply chains: The efficiency-imitability tradeoff and sustained competitive advantage” Bent Petersen - together with Stephan Manning, University of Sussex, and CBS colleague, Peter Ørberg Jensen - takes an explorative approach in order to address two research questions in relation to location flexibility. First, in order to mitigate risk and pursue opportunities in an increasingly volatile and uncertain environment, how do sourcing firms achieve location flexibility in their global supply chains? Second, how can location flexibility help firms sustain or obtain a competitive advantage in their global supply chains?

The book chapter is published in New Frontiers of International Business Development, Evolving Topics, and Implications for Practice edited by Hemant Merchant. The book is a new contribution to Springer’s series, Contributions to Management Science.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06003-8_12

The page was last edited by: Department of International Economics, Government and Business // 09/20/2022