
Department of Organization

Teaching associate professor

Room: KIL/14.A-4.70
E-mail: jtsc.ioa@cbs.dk
My academic interest are “odd” organizational forms. E.g. project-based organizations, volunteer organizations and movements, hybrid forms, activism, and networks. How do they function and evolve? What are their role in forming society and people’s lives? How are they are managed and developed?
As a full time, Teaching Associate Professor, my interest evolves around developing “academic craftmanship”. Most of the students at higher education today, are not going to be researchers and scholars, but working academic professionals, in their fields and professions. Learning to be an academic professional, requires both understanding and mastering scientific theories and methods, and the ability to apply them to specific filed-related problems and solutions.
I have a master's degree (M.Sc.) in Business Studies and Educational Studies from Roskilde University, and a PhD in Organisation and Management Studies from CBS. I have worked for four years as an Assistant Professor at Roskilde University Department of Communication, Business and Information Technologies, and have 20 years of different teaching experiences from various academic institutions.


Primary research areas
Organization Theory, Project Management, Project Organizing
“Odd” organizations, volunteerism, volunteer management
Creative Industries, Music and Event Management
Curriculum Vitae
Social media
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HA Almen: Organisationsanalyse (fagkoordinator)

HA Pro: Videnskabsteori og metode (fagankoordinator)

HA Pro: Metode, projektstyringsværktøjer og tværfagligt 1. årsprojekt (fagkoordinator)

HA Pro: Organisationsteori


Bachelor supervision HA Almen, HA Pro and HA Psyk

Supervision of master's thesis (CM and Cand. Soc.)


Other teaching activities


Selected publications
Schlamovitz, J. (2015). Theory Meets Practice: Practical Implications of Process Theory in Project Management. I J. Pries-Heje, & P. Svejvig (red.), Project Management Theory Meets Practice. Roskilde: Samfundslitteratur.
Schlamovitz, J. (2013). Managing volunteers as stakeholders. I I. Jensen, J. Damm Scheuer, & J. Dahl Rendtorff (red.), The Balanced Company: Organizing for the 21st Century. (s. 133-150). Farnham: Gower Publishing Ltd. (Corporate social responsibility).
Schlamovitz, J. (2012). Organizing for the Unexpected: Project Organizing as Chains or Hubs?. I J. Pries-Heje (red.), Project Management Multiplicity - Current Trends. (1 udg., s. 105-126). Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.
Outside activities
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