CBS in May

In May CBS will be visited by organisational guru Henry Mintzberg, a researcher, an attorney and a head of investigative journalism, who will discuss the grey areas in our tax control, while 22 researchers will present their field studies on entrepreneurship. We look forward to seeing you on campus.


Photo: Owen Egan 

Organisational guru Henry Mintzberg to visit CBS

Wednesday 2 May 2018
Closed event for PhD students and business communities

How do we restore balance in our society? Should we zoom in on corporate social responsibility, or does this responsibility instead lie in the hands of the individual? The Canadian organisational guru, professor and author Henry Mintzberg will visit CBS to share his thoughts and ideas on this issue – rebalancing society across political opinions and sectors. These ideas are based on Mintzberg’s latest book publication: Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right and Center.         

Read more about Mintzberg's visit


Grey areas in international tax control

Tuesday 29 May 2018, 16:00-18:30
Dalgas Have 15, Sc.033, 2000 Frederiksberg

Can traditional legal principles combat tax evasion and international tax fraud? TAXTALK takes stock when the graduate programme Master of Tax holds an event on international tax control. An attorney will look closely at, for example, the Panama Papers from the perspective of ordinary people, while a tax manager will take an in-depth look at the Danish Central Tax Administration’s (SKAT) processing of illegal information, and the head of investigative journalism at the Danish daily Politiken will discuss the public’s interest in international tax control as regards people’s privacy. And a CBS professor will explain recent years’ tax reforms.

Read more about TAXTALK and sign up for the event


Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy

Check out 22 field studies on entrepreneurship

09:00 Friday 4 May to 15:20 Saturday 5 May 2018
Kilevej 14, Ks.71, 2000 Frederiksberg

What is the disadvantage of pitch training? Does a competitive or collaborative culture promote creativity in a company? Does a scientific approach to business development help startups make better decisions? Over two days, various international researchers will gather at CBS to present 22 field studies on entrepreneurs from the US to Europe to Sub-Saharan Africa.

Read more about the event


Photo: Shutterstock

Marketing: The new way to meet with customers

Wednesday 23 May 2018, 15:30 – 17:30
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg

Dean of Research Søren Hvidkjær will bid welcome when Ad de Jong holds his inaugural lecture as professor at the Department of Marketing at CBS. De Jong studies organisational frontlines and their significance for the customer’s meeting with the company. Previously, this meeting took place face to face, but the growth of digital communication has changed the situation. De Jong will focus on the challenges that companies experience when they create a competitive edge through frontline marketing.

Read more about the event


Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy

Alumni Day: Drop in at CBS to gain insight into the newest research

Thursday 24 May 2018, 15:30 – 21:30
Porcelænshaven 20, Ovnhallen, 2000 Frederiksberg

Again this year CBS will hold Alumni Day, where former CBS students return to campus and meet other alumni. This year’s Honorary Alumni will be recognised, and you’ll have the opportunity to receive professional input when researchers present their latest results. For example, learn about developments in data-driven business, the FinTech revolution and successful solutions for public-private partnerships.

Read about the programme and sign up for the event


Photo: Lars Bahl

Meet Kristian Kjeldsen, Head of Financial Stability in the EU

Thursday 1 May 2018, 16:00 – 17:30
Solbjerg Plads 3, D4.20, 2000 Frederiksberg

Banks provide an important service to people, companies and the economy as a whole. That’s why it should be possible to change problems with banks quickly and efficiently. At the seminar, “Banking resolution in the Banking Union” you’ll gain insight into the practical aspects of restructuring banks. At the seminar Kristian Kjeldsen, the Head of Financial Stability in the EU’s joint Single Resolution Board, will explain how the restructuring of banks, for example is carried out in practice based on new cases. The Center for Financial Frictions at CBS will host the seminar, which is aimed at practitioners.

Read more about the seminar and Kristian Kjeldsen



Public management: How do managers use social media?

Wednesday 16 May 2018, 17:00 – 18:30
Dalgas Have 15, DSV.089, 2000 Frederiksberg

How do public managers use social media as a management tool and should public managers use social media in their management practices? Two public managers will talk about their experiences with social media in a professional context, and digital adviser and manager of Elberth Kommunikation, Benjamin Rud Elberth, will provide a framework of dos and don’ts. This debate is the third in a series on public management that the graduate programme Master of Public Governance is behind.

Read more about and sign up for the event



Visit the Graduate Diploma Open House

Wednesday 2 May 2018, 17:00 – 19:00
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg

Would you like help to meet your ambitions? Then you’re invited to attend the CBS Graduate Diploma Open House, where you’ll learn more about the 10 different programmes that are available. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet instructors and obtain information on admission requirements and credit transfers.

Read more about the Graduate Diploma Open House programme and the 10 programmes:

Graduate Diploma Open House (in Danish)


Photo: Shutterstock

Become competitive with servitisation

09:00 Monday 14 May to Wednesday 16 May 2018
Porcelænshaven 24A, Ovnhallen, 2000 Frederiksberg

Jointly with Aston Business School ( CBS is holding a three-day conference on servitisation and how it can be used as a competitive advantage.

Read more about the conference


PhD defense

Irene Christensen – New product fumbles – Organizing for the Ramp-up process

Thursday 3 May 2018, 14:00 – 16:00
Solbjerg Plads 3, SP 113, 2000 Frederiksberg


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019