
Department of Business Humanities and Law

Vishv Priya

Kontor: POR/18.B-3.126
E-mail: vpk.bhl@cbs.dk

Vishv Priya Kohli er ansat som lektor ved CBS. Hendes forskningsinteresse ligger primært inden for immaterialret, hvor hun har et særligt fokus på forfalskninger inden for lægemiddelindustrien i EU. Derudover gennemfører Priya forskning om Big Data's rolle inden for telemedicinssektoren og efterklang af intellektuel ejendomsret, konkurrence og innovation.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Immaterialret
  • Legal Risk Management
  • Strategisk anvendelse af sundhedsdata
  • Konkurrenceret
Administrative opgaver
  • Kursusansvarlig, Legal Risk Management and Intellectual Property
  • Med-kursusansvarlig, Markedsret
Curriculum Vitae
Link til denne hjemmeside
  • Legal Risk Management and Intellectual Property Law
  • Marketing law (Markedsret)
  • Advanced Marketing Law (Videregående Markedsret)
  • Strategic Use of Health data (Strategisk Anvendelse af sundhedsdata)
  • Bachelor Projekt 1
  • Bachelor Projekt 2
  • Kandidatafhandlinger
Udvalgte publikationer

Vishv Priya Kohli / Counterfeit and Falsified Medicines in the EU : A Legal Perspective.
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, 171 s. (Elgar Studies in Health and the Law).


Vishv Priya Kohli; Marie-Louise Holle; Kim Østergaard / Udveksling af data med udenlandske aktører
In: Persondata og forskning. red. /Kent Kristensen. København : Djøf Forlag 2022, pp. 527-544.


Vishv Priya Kohli; Stina Teilmann-Lock / My Plate, Not Thine : Copyright Infringement of Würtz Utensils.
In: Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2.12.2021.


Vishv Priya Kohli / Clip, Cut and Score? : Maritime and Commercial Court of Denmark Rules.

In Landmark Case Concerning Copyright Infringement and Artists’ Rights.


Vishv Priya Kohli / Square Pegs in Triangular Spaces : Right to be Forgotten .
In: European Intellectual Property Review, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2020, pp. 75-77.


Vishv Priya Kohli; Stina Teilmann-Lock / Black Is Back : Maritime and Commercial Court of Denmark Rules in Landmark Copyright Case.
In: Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Vol. 14, No. 11, 11.2019, pp. 829-830.


Vishv Priya Kohli / Combatting Falsification and Counterfeiting Of Medicinal Products in the European Union : A Legal Analysis.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2018, 351 p. (PhD series, No. 01.2018).

Publikationer sorteret efter:
Vishv Priya Kohli / Fashion First : Buckle Ballerina Shoes Recognized as Applied Art Under Danish Copyright Law.
I: Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 5.12.2024
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Stina Teilmann-Lock; Vishv Priya Kohli / ‘Take the Money and Run’ : If There is Copyright There is Art (in Denmark)?.
I: Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Vol. 19, Nr. 5, 5.2024, s. 390-392
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli / Protection of Textiles and Crafts in the EU through Geographical Indications : An Evaluation of the New Legislative Proposal.
I: European Intellectual Property Review, Vol. 45, Nr. 7, 2023, s. 407-410
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Marie-Louise Holle; Vishv Priya Kohli; Kim Østergaard / Bøder og erstatningsansvar
I: Persondata og forskning. red. /Kent Kristensen. København : Djøf Forlag 2022, s. 663-684
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli; Stina Teilmann-Lock / Copyright and Public Domain Works : Highsmith v Getty.
I: Intellectual Property Excesses: Exploring the Boundaries of IP Protection. . red. /Enrico Bonadio; Aislinn O’Connell. London : Hart Publishing 2022, s. 71-86
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli; Marie-Louise Holle; Kim Østergaard / Udveksling af data med udenlandske aktører
I: Persondata og forskning. red. /Kent Kristensen. København : Djøf Forlag 2022, s. 527-544
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli / Counterfeit and Falsified Medicines in the EU : A Legal Perspective.
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2021, 171 s. (Elgar Studies in Health and the Law)
Bog > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli; Stina Teilmann-Lock / My Plate, Not Thine : Copyright Infringement of Würtz Utensils.
I: Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Vol. 16, Nr. 12, 12.2021, s. 1301-1303
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli / Big Data in Health Services - Legal Perspectives : Legal Protection of Information and the Boundary Between Identifiable and Anonymized Information.
I: Kunstig intelligens og big data i helsesektoren: Rettslige Perspektiver. . red. /Anne Kjersti Befring; Inger-Johanne Sand. Oslo : Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 2020, s. 254-274
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Vishv Priya Kohli / Clip, Cut and Score? : Maritime and Commercial Court of Denmark Rules in Landmark Case Concerning Copyright Infringement and Artists’ Rights.
I: Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Vol. 15, Nr. 10, 10.2020, s. 776-777
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Flere resultater ...(i alt 18 )
  • EU Commission, December 2018-present (should not exceed 30 months), working as the country expert for Denmark on the study on the transposition by Member States of Directive 2016/943 on trade secrets.
    Compliance assessment of Directive 2016/943 on Trade secrets for Denmark
  • EU Commission, September 26th 2019-present, working as the country expert for Denmark on the study on the transposition by Member States of Directive 2015/2436 on Trade Marks.