Succesful launch of the Sustainable Procurement Initiative at CBS
On 17 November 6 researchers from the Department of Operations Management successfully launched the Sustainable Procurement Initiative at CBS.
The new initiative has two workstreams: One workstream studies the sustainable procurement maturity and transition. The overall purpose is to contribute to the development of Danish companies’ abilities to transition their current procurement practices towards higher levels of sustainable procurement practices. The other workstream looks into how advanced Danish companies are in implementing sustainable procurement, and aims give insight into the current and future state of sustainable procurement in Denmark.
Sustainable procurement is a strategic priority for companies transitioning towards sustainable supply chains, and this was evident from the well-attended event and the high level of engagement among the participants. In addition to presentations from the research team, an insightful key note from Ørsted set the scene for what the opportunities and obstacles are in Sustainable Procurement.
The initiative is open for participation and companies and organizations who are interested in joining the Sustainable Procurement Initiative* are very welcome to contact project manager Christina Merolli Poulsen for more information.
You can read more about the Sustainable Procurement Initiative in this one-pager.