The Department of Operations Management invites applications for PhD scholarships.


The Department of Operations Management invites applications for PhD scholarships. Several scholarships are potentially available of which two are within EU projects, two within the area of ethical, social or circular supply chain management; and two within other research areas of the department.

You can find the call for applications here - application deadline is June 3, 2019.

In connection with the call, we will be hosting an information meeting on May 2, 2019 where interested parties can join us to learn more about what it is like to be a PhD student at the Department of Operations Management. The meeting will provide information about the areas in which we are recruiting, how to apply for PhD positions, the life as a PhD student at CBS as well as possible career paths after receiving a PhD degree.

Read more about the PhD at the Department of Operations Management Information Meeting 2019 below and sign up by sending an email to no later than April 30, 2019.

PhD in Department of Operations Management Information Meeting 2019

Are you interested in pursuing a PhD in Management Accounting, Supply Chain Management or Operation Management? Would you like to know more about the call and what it takes to be admitted into the PhD program in Department of Operations Management at CBS? Are you curious about what it is like to be a PhD student and what you can do with your degree afterwards?

Then join us for an information meeting on May 2, 2019 from 16:00 - 17:15 at Copenhagen Business School. Location: SP D4.20

We will be serving coffee and cake at the meeting.


16.00-16.20 Welcome , Head of Department  Carsten Ørts Hansen

What does it mean to be a PhD student at Department of Operations Management
- examples from a Ph.D. project by  Ph. D Coordinator and Associate Professor Thomas Frandsen
16.20-16.55  The areas in which we are recruiting several Ph.D. students are
•    PhD scholarships are available as part of a research project titled “The Supply Chain of the 21st Century: Towards Ethical, Social and Circular Business Models”, which is co-financed by CBS and the Nordakademie Foundation, Germany. We ask those interested in these positions to contact Associate Professor Andreas Wieland,, before applying for them.
•    PhD scholarships are also available for topics like Circular Economy, Maritime Business Issues or any other topic that fulfills the requirements described in this announcement. We ask those interested in these positions to contact the Head of the Department, Carsten Ørts Hansen,, before applying for them.
•       Two PhD scholarships are available as part of the large Horizon 2020 research project founded by the European Community and led by CBS. The project explores circular economy within six leading European cities. It has a focus on innovation (block-chain technology, digital wallet and material (re)processing) and social impact and inclusion. The main relevant areas of research are Management Accounting, Social and Environmental Accounting, Innovation, and Operations Management. We ask those interested in these positions (expected start of positions: Early Fall 2019) to contact the project leader and overall coordinator Associate Professor Cristiana Parisi,, before applying for them.
16.55-17.05 Career Possibilities And The Job Market
-    How to use a Ph.D. in the private job market /Linn Gevoll, Nordea
17.05-17.15    Q & A and how to apply


Sidst opdateret: Department of Operations Management // 29/04/2019