7,000 owner managers receive a report about their exit planning

Around 7,000 owner managers have just received a personal bench-marking report called "Exit planning". The owner managers have all taken part in the largest survey ever on owner managers in Denmark. The survey shows, among other things, that a third of the owner managers who have an urgent change of ownership challenge, have no plan yet.


The purpose of the report "Exit planning" is to give the individual owner input on how to start thinking of their own and their company's future. The report should therefore help the owner managers in planning what will happen when their companies need a transfer of ownership and management. "When the Danish Industry Foundation wanted to ensure the establishment of the Centre for Owner-managed Businesses, it was to contribute to, among other things, that the transfer of ownership in Danish businesses is progressing successfully and is well-planned in time. It is beneficial for both the owner-manager, the employees, the Danish society as a whole, and the owners" says CEO of the Danish Industry Foundation Mads Lebech, who initiated the establishment of the Centre for Owner-managed Businesses.

A tool for a successful transfer of ownership

The report can be used as a checklist, in which the owner managers can use in relation to what they have to deal with in their current and future planning. Additionally, it contains three important factors that can help the owner managers to get an overview of the urgency of a transfer of ownership, to see how far he or she is in the planning process, and how ready the company is to transfer the ownership in relation to the planning horizon.

The report reveals that a third of the owner managers who have an urgent change of ownership challenge, have made no plans of the transfer of ownership yet. The report also shows that nearly three out of four who has chosen his or her successor, is related to the owner manager, suggesting that planning is easier in the companies where there will be a generational change within the family. The bench marking report is based on responses from 13,491 owner managers, making it the largest and most representative survey of owner managers in Denmark ever. The study and the report are made by Centre for Owner-managed Businesses at CBS and the French business school INSEAD, and are funded by the Danish Industry Foundation.

The bench-marking report

This first bench-marking report "Exit planning" is intended as a catalyst to start the planning process for the owner managers. The following months, the owner managers can expect to receive the next personal bench-marking report "The Ownership Strategy Map" which will provide the owner managers with more specific planning tools to address some of the major issues about future ownership and management of the company.

In addition, Centre for Owner-managed Businesses will offer various follow-up activities for the owner managers during 2016. Among other things, the conference Owner Management - Plan for the future will be held on April 15 and subsequent workshops and courses

Sidst opdateret: Centre for Owner-Managed Businesses // 08/10/2019