Plan the future of your business today with our new online tool

The new planning tool "The Ownership Strategy map" by the Centre for Owner-Managed Businesses has just been released at


Plan the future of your business today at

The Ownership Strategy map is a new free online tool that owner-managers can use to benchmark their business and plan its future ownership and leadership. The Danish Industry Foundation, Centre for Owner-managed Businesses at CBS and INSEAD in France are behind the tool.

"The plan with the Ownership Strategy map has always been to give the Danish owner-managers a tangible tool for long-term planning. We know that many owner-managers have avoided to decide their own future in their company, due to lack of time or resources. Many of them are now faced with having to transfer their business without any specific plan. We want to address this issue and the Ownership Strategy map is a big step". This is how Professor Morten Bennedsen expresses the ambition behind the Ownership Strategy map - a free online tool for owner-managers, which can be accessed today at

The Ownership Strategy map is already well on the way to help owner-managers get started with the long term planning: Chief Executive Officer of ATC Footwear, Christian Dawe, is one of the first owner-managers to use the tool, and he says the following about the usability of the Ownership Strategy map:

"My work with the Ownership Strategy map has mainly contributed to new acknowledgement in ATC Footwear: We will now incorporate the future management and ownership structure of the business in the strategic planning. The Ownership Strategy map has given us valuable and concrete input to structure our thinking about how we ensure the future of ATC Footwear the best".

When you enter you must fill out a questionnaire of 27 questions. In return you get an individual 17-page report with clear instructions to identify, plan and implement long-term owner strategy that suits your business. The report you receive is based on a study of 13,491 owner-managed businesses. It is the largest and most representative survey of owner-managers in Denmark ever. This shows that the planning of ownership and management is an essential part of running a business.

The Ownership Strategy map can be used by owner-managers, advisers and board of directors. It can help companies in the process of actively integrating management and ownership in the strategic considerations and help structure a specific action plan for the future of businesses. Owner-managed businesses constitute the backbone of the Danish business community and a customized tool like the Ownership Strategy map can benefit a lot of businesses and work places:

"When the Foundation decided to support the Centre for Owner-managed Businesses, it was particularly focused on developing some specific tools that Danish owner-managers can use when the future of their business and  ownership must be planned. The new Ownership Strategy map is an example of a tool, where knowledge and research by the centre can be brought into play in the business world for the benefit of the many owner-managed businesses in Denmark", says CEO Mads Lebech from the Danish Industry Foundation.


The Ownership Strategy map is the result of the project "Growth Through Ownership", which is funded by the Danish Industry Foundation and operationalized by COMB.

You can find the planning tool at

Approximately 80% of all Danish businesses are owner-managed. Within the next decade around 23,000 businesses have to carry through a change of ownership. It will affect about 300,000.00 Danish jobs. Two out of five owner-managers who want to transfer their business within two years, have not got a clear plan yet according to our survey of 13,491 owner-managers.


Sidst opdateret: Centre for Owner-Managed Businesses // 08/10/2019