Economics Department gets Otto Mønsted Visiting Professorship on international trade


CBS Department of Economics has received an Otto Mønsted Visiting Professorship grant of 210,000 Danish kroner. The funds will allow Assistant Professor David Jinkins to invite Professor James Tybout, Penn State University, USA, for a research stay at CBS in summer 2016. The stay will be used for working on their exciting collaborative research into firms' search for international clients. This research aims to quantify how difficulty finding clients abroad can limit the growth of small firms and hurt consumers. 

Prof. Tybout is an expert in International Trade and one of the pioneers of using firm level data to describe firms’ international trade patterns. His research was the first to establish the role of sunk costs in driving firm export behavior and that such costs can be reduced by learning‐by‐exporting. These insights influenced the development of empirical trade research over the last two decades, as well as the way international trade theory is taught. His latest research has again moved in an exciting direction that may change again the way we think about firms in international trade. As previously, it is the arrival of new data that lie behind this new development.

Sidst opdateret: Department of Economics // 14/10/2015