Introducing: CBS Economix a new initiative, for students passionate about economics


CBS Economix is a new student group, that allows for a learning experience outside of scheduled courses.  The initiative was founded by Digital Management students Daniel Kyndl and Barbora Sládecková, with support of advisor Moira Daly. The team behind CBS Economix wish to invite fellow passionate students, to join the  informal “for fun” economics lectures, and explore topics of economic areas beyond coursework. 

The initial lecture will take place October 24.  11:00 at Bitlab. Topics covered in this session include the effects of individual choice, Integrated Assessment Models and existential risk.

This lecture will be sponsored by the Digital Management Program, and taught by David Jinkins. Complimentary pizza will be also provided by the Department of Economics.

Sign up for the event here:


Sidst opdateret: Department of Economics // 22/10/2024