New Issue of Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies

Vol. 22, May 2006


Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 22

Table of Contents


Bearing Witness: Maoism as Religion

David E. Apter

The Renewal of Chinese Marxism: Debates over the Character of the Political Economy

James Falkin

Corporate Social Responsibility in China: Current Issues and Their Relevance for Implementation of Law

Karin Buhmann

The Fifth Plenary Session: A Note on Recent Policy Initiatives and China's 11th Five-Year Plan

Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard

Review Articles

Chairman Mao, the Chinese Revolution, and the Banality of Evil: Reflections on the State of the Field in Mao Studies

Søren Clausen

Book Review: Huang, Yasheng, Selling China.

Verner Worm

Book Review: Brian Moeran, The Business of Ethnography. Strategic Exchanges, People and Organisations

Michael Jacobsen

Online version - contents and abstracts access for all, full articles for subscribers only

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/10/2012