Funding News

Henrik Andersen has received a grant from the Danish Social Science Research Council of nearly DKK 1.5 million for a post.doc. project concerning the transparency principle in the WTO judicial system.


Henrik Andersen has received a grant from the Danish Social Science Research Council of nearly DKK 1.5 million for a post.doc. project concerning the transparency principle in the WTO judicial system.

The aim of the project is to examine whether the WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) – Panels and Appellate Body – acts in conformity with the transparency principle. The reason for this choice of subject is the increased use of the DSB in trade disputes between WTO Members. Globalization – and the opening of markets – requires transparency in the WTO judicial system. The question is how the transparency principle is delimited in the context of the WTO system and whether Panels and Appellate Body act in conformity with the transparency principle.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 26/02/2009