HCI International 2009 - Best "Thematic Area" Paper Award
Title: Towards a Theory of Cultural Usability: A Comparison of ADA and CMU Theory
Authors: Torkil Clemmensen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
has been selected to receive the Best Paper Award in the 1st International Conference on Human Centered Design.
The selection process has been performed by a review committee coordinated by the Chair of the Affiliated Conference / Thematic Area.
A brief ceremony is scheduled during the Opening Plenary Session, on Tuesday 21 July 2009, at 17:30, in the ATLAS Ballroom of the Town and Country Resort & Convention Center. The winning authors of each of the eleven Affiliated Conferences / Thematic Areas best paper awards will receive a plaque and a certificate http://www.hcii2009.org/paperawards_areas.php.
Kindly note that your paper is also one of the eleven candidates for the golden award in the selection process for the for the Best HCI International 2009 Conference paper http://www.hcii2009.org/paperawards_view.php?thematic_id=0. The winner will be announced at the time of the ceremony and will receive a golden medal and a certificate.
- HCI International 2009 -