CIGNet seminar

Seminar arranged by Center for Creative Industries in Global Networks with Silviya Svejenova, Cranfield University, School of Management

Torsdag, 15 april, 2004 - 13:00 to Torsdag, 13 maj, 2004 - 16:05

CIGNet (Center for Creative Industries in Global Networks) invites you to a seminar titled: "The Dynamic Face of Networks - a comparative study of three Spanish film directors and their project networks over time" with Silviya Svejenova, Cranfield University, School of Management.

Silviya Svejenova's research interests have concerned creative industries, networks and careers and, she has studied the Spanish film industry. Silviya Svejenova is currently collaborating with the CINEMA research group at the Department of Organization and Industrial Sociology, CBS, on comparative studies of the Spanish and the Danish film industry.

Contact person: Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen, (

Department of Organization and Industrial Sociology

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 24/05/2004