Responsibly Made in China? Chinese Development & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Conference by ARC and NIAS

Torsdag, 26 januar, 2006 - 09:00 to Fredag, 27 januar, 2006 - 16:00

A conference organized by Asia Research Centre  in collaboration with NIAS - Nordic Institute of Asian Studies

The issues of CSR in China are highly topical. Prime time news media stories and international NGO campaigns highlight them frequently. Each year, millions of Chinese workers take part in massive protest actions to express their grievances. Western companies are investing heavily in the formulation and implementation of CSR policies in relation to their operations in China and in the performance of social audits of their Chinese partners and suppliers. Meanwhile, Chinese realities remain a far cry from CSR ideals. We need an overview of the huge and complex endeavour of relating the whole CSR issue to the realities of contemporary China. The conference will contribute to such an overview.

Organizing Committee:

Mads Holst Jensen (NIAS) & Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard (ARC)

Conference webpage:

Registration deadline is 15 December 2005.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/10/2012