A Constructivist View on Business and Society

CBS Cluster in Business and Society (CBS2) research seminar

Tirsdag, 7 november, 2006 - 15:30 to 17:00

It is a pleasure to announce the next research seminar of the CBS Cluster in Business and Society (CBS2) which will take a constructivist perspective to the topic. The two papers presented will respectively look at the construction of the “business/environment dichotomy” (Lise Backer) and the construction of “CSR in the business press” (Mette Morsing / Roy Langer). Both papers are available on demand.

Paper 1: "Dissolving the Dichotomy between Business and Environmental Protection"

Presenter: Lise Backer, Assistant Professor in the green business group at the Department of Organization and Industrial Sociology (IOA), Copenhagen Business School

Discussant: Steen Vallentin, Assistant Professor,  Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School 

Paper 2: "CSR-communication in the business press: Advantages of strategic ambiguity"

Co-Presenter: Mette Morsing, Associate Professor, Department of Intercultural Communication and Management and Director Centre for Corporate Values and Responsibility (CVR)

Co-Presenter: Roy Langer, Professor, Roskilde University, Dept. of Communication, Business and Information Technologies

Discussant: Steen Thomsen, Professor, Director of the Center for Corporate Governance, Department of International Economics and Management

Please indicate if you plan to attend to Kai Hockerts.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/10/2012