Online Master Degree in ICT & Learning

We are proud to offer a Master Degree in ICT & Learning (MIL) from  September2006


Online Master Degree in ICT & Learning (MIL: -

offered by European University Consortium!

We are proud to offer a Master Degree in ICT & Learning (MIL) from

September2006 - internationally and online! MIL is a project-based

Master Programmewith a global democratic orientation, which is offered by a European

Consortium consisting of five Scandinavian Universities, all of

which arerecognized centres of excellence within the curriculum.

The MIL programme is open to anyone, who works  in private

business or inpublic institutions, in the areas of communication, development and/or

implementation of ICT in learning processes. This may be as adesigner, an

educator, a developer of e-learning, a software developer, a project

manager, or as a head of planning and /or conducting education.



DEADLINE for applications: May 1st, 2006

(application form available onwebsite).

Master in ICT & Learning (MIL):

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/06/2006