How to manage creative professions?

New graduate degree in experience economics


New graduate degree in experience economics

In September CBS will be opening the doors to a new MA in Sociology – an education in experience economics called “Management of Creative Business Processes”. The education has been developed in close cooperation with the Danish film and fashion industry, as well as with several of the big Danish companies, like Nordic Film, IC Companys and Carlsberg. This education will prepare the graduates to manage and handle the special challenges that occur when creative processes become part of the market economy.

Great demand from creative professions

“Management in companies is a very complex process when you have got to do with artistically motivated people for whom the product is the core and the monetary part secondary. That is why there is great demand from the creative professions for a graduate level education that focuses on strengthening the commercial part of creative work” Professor Peter Maskell states.

The purpose of the education is to equip the students with general

theoretical and methodical management tools that match the special

challenges the creative professions face.

The students will therefore be equipped with varying skills like:

mercantile, creative, design, technological and commercial – in order to

utilise the full potential of the experience economy.

The education is directed at Bachelors of Commercial Economics, Political

Science and Liberal Arts, as well as students from the creative educations

like film, media and design, who wish to work to convert creativity to

commercial success.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/07/2006